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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

Cyclical Goodbyes (An Original Poetic Prose)

Cyclical Goodbyes

I could not stop looking at the watch. My train would leave at six o’clock of that evening and I was feeling my heart was about to stop. Breathing was not so easy that day as the separation, even for a short period of time, was about to occur. We tried to be together as much as possible, sharing all concrete moments so our memories could embrace the sweet events when revisiting these archives and make time pass a little smoother and lighter. I remember we slept in the afternoon, so tight to each other that our sweat was just one huge river of love. When we woke up, there was just time to take a shower and head to the station. The sun was pouring down, the sky was red as just my eyes were when the train marched tearing us apart.

Suddenly the music playing on the radio brought me back to reality. I was crying again even without noticing it. Twenty-seven years later I was not able to forget the love of my life. I turned the radio down and went to the kitchen to prepare some coffee. I knew I would kiss that goodbye once again today.


Image source: Pixabay

Thanks for reading my post!
Author: @manandezo

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