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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

DAIN-Decentralized Artificial Intelligence Network

In a fast paced and rapidly changing world of cryptocurrency, it is important for cryptocurrency owners, investors, analyst and everyone in the cryptocurrency space to be kept abreast of current trends, innovations and analysis. Absolute control over information is an herculean task if not nearly impossible, there is increased risk of harsh user experience in the world of cryptocurrency and a rapidly advancing technology such as blockchain.
In a world of hackers, fraudsters and individuals who seek to take advantage of other people’s naivety, it is important to have access to tools, data, analysis and information to keep one up to date of current event happening in the everyday crypto space. Information is power, with the right tools, you are indomitable. But gathering these information from various sources proved to be a time sapping and effort consuming task. A perfect solution would be to have an ecosystem which provides these tools to everyone ranging from investors to cryptocurrency experts or people who are newly venturing into the crypto world in one giant platform and this is where DAIN comes in.

DAIN is the next-generation artificial intelligence platform, a decentralized and geo-dispersed public computing network governed through blockchain and specialized in addressing and solving artificial intelligence problems.

In addition, just so you know, DAIN is like a brain, just as electricity and the internet transformed everything, AI and blockchain will disrupt every industry in the next few years.

DAIN enables the efficient utilization of computing resources from any device located anywhere in the world, without intermediaries, to solve complex computational AI problems. It rewards hardware owners and composes an AI marketplace where companies with the same needs can provide or discover solutions together.

Furthermore, any user can teach the brain how to perform certain tasks and subsequently ask for these tasks to be executed. Likewise, another user can ask for the same tasks to be executed, as long as the first user has instructed the brain to allow others to access this knowledge

The brain will remember all the tasks it learns and continuously improve its performance of them. Eventually, it could perform any number of tasks simultaneously, with the sole limitation of its size. The brain has the potential for unlimited growth by adding more computing devices. Like a natural brain, it must consume energy to perform any task. In this case, the energy is the reward given to the device owners.

The Mission

Democratize AI access

AI out-the-box. No restrictions on data, computational resources, knowledge or time to consume AI.

Clear monetization models

Create new data-based revenue streams without losing control, ownership or awareness of your model.

New business & relationship models

The exchange of exclusive assets and services between companies and their customers/partners.

The Impending Challenges

AI entry barriers

Despite its great impact on society and enormous demand, AI and its needs are difficult to understand. Businesses and professionals are not prepared for its large-scale exploitation. These circumstances especially affect the most traditional companies, which are at a disadvantage amid disruptive transformation. To ensure the fair, cheap and agile integration of AI in society, benefiting both companies and their customers, specific tools are needed that address these entry barriers.

Vendor lock-in and neutrality

Black box behavior makes it extremely difficult to audit AI. The models can introduce biases through data, deviating solutions from the desired outcome. Or biases can be introduced by model creators when the created models reproduce representations of reality that do not match their ideological interests. Unaudited AI services from cloud computing service providers increase these problems. It is necessary to give companies the opportunity to choose the most neutral and impartial solutions and avoid vendor lock-in.


Recent studies warn of the huge carbon footprint and the high consumption of electricity resulting from the current approach to Cloud, AI and DLT. Today’s data processing centers consume around 3% of the energy produced by humans, and the power consumption of bitcoin mining already surpasses that of Switzerland. It is not necessary to manufacture more dedicated hardware to cover the technical needs of both technologies. To ensure sustainability, we need to better utilize the resources we already have in a more efficient way.

The Solution Offered by DAIN

DAIN gathers the lessons learned over the past decade and brings together the most cutting-edge technologies to offer a solution to existing problems.

Reduce the costs of IaaS

By using spare computing power, it eliminates the initial hardware investment from the IaaS cost equation. As it is a dispersed network, it does not need to cover cooling costs.

Accelerate time-to-market

DAIN has a marketplace of AI models created by ecosystem users, allowing companies to share solutions and harness the potential of existing knowhow. Through data and knowledge-sharing, the time for new developments will be reduced exponentially.

No transaction fees

DAIN is smart. DAIN can adapt to congestion and learn from the activity of its nodes to understand their motivations, preventing honest users from wasting their computing resources or paying transaction fees.

IoT and 5G ready

The absence of fees and the distributed computing model of DAIN allow very low capacity devices to be part of the network. This technology will leverage 5G connectivity and the wide heterogeneity of devices connected to the internet.

Zero-code solution

No expert knowledge is required to take advantage of its benefits. By using AI to design AI, non-tech citizens are enabled to start participating in the AI revolution.

Unlimited computing

Designed to put the power of a myriad of devices at the disposal of AI. Access computer resources easily, economically, elastically and on demand.


Thanks to the latest and most innovative cryptographic techniques, all data and published solutions are completely confidential, even when shared among users.

Certified solutions

Thanks to the properties and nature of AI algorithms, all delivered solutions are certified by an automatic machine-to-machine process.


Noesis Protocol

Novel scalable distributed ledger technology based on stressless DAG, allowing the demand-driven management of network congestion.

Recruitment Protocol

Anti-spam protocol based on t-threshold cryptography schemas, topology location testing and capacity testing.

Fractal Multi-Cast Propagation

Content-publishing protocol through flooding over P2P networks, enables network scalability while optimizing propagation time.

Quorum Confirmation

Security protocol against network forks applying voting statistical convergence to Byzantine fault tolerance.

Encrypted AI

Homomorphic encrypting mechanism that guarantees confidentiality of data used for model training and the generated models stored in blockchain.

Useful Proof of Targeted Work

Algorithm that allows the network’s computational resources to be used to solve real problems and certify them as proof of work.

Distributed Computing Framework

Speed up the identification of the best solution by allocating optimal computing power to solve your AI problems.

Secure Multiparty Computation

Enables trustworthy computation and content publishing in unsecured environments. Detect and manage malicious activities through roles based on game theory.


2018 Q3

DAIN network conceptualized

2018 Q4

DAIN technical design complete

2019 Q1

Agreement with Universidad Pontificia de Comillas to fund a research project on DAIN

2019 Q2

DainWare funded

White Paper published

Funds raised from 8 angel investors

Advisor Board

2019 Q3

Agreement with SecondWindow to provide development workforce

We are here

2019 Q4

IEO 1.0

Token Private Sale

Telefónica & Eleven Paths LoI sign off

2020 Q1

IEO 2.0 with additional exchanges for extended reach

Research Article Publication

PoC Industrial Use Case

2020 Q2


2020 Q4

Testnet launch

Concept Demo Release


DainServices set-up

go-to-market service provider and integrator

José Ramón García Luque

Co-founder & CEO

Cognitive & AI Architect at Sabadell Bank

Luis Garcia San Luis


CIO at Deutsche Bank SAE

Carlos Díaz Conde

Business Development & Strategic Alliances

Jesús García San Luis


CTO & Founder 8g Analytics

Technology Advisor LossLessLinen

Luis Garcia Lorente


Promptwave founder

(ICEX Innovation award)

Strategic Partner Advisor & Judge @Startup Europe Awards

Andrés Contreras Guillen

Head of Solutions & Services

The Research Team

José Luis Gahete Díaz

Professor at Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid ICAI-ICADE

David Contreras Bárcena

Director of the Department of Telematics and Computing at Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid ICAI-ICADE

David Alfaya

Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics of the ICAI School of Engineering

Alejandro García San Luis

Professor at Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid ICAI-ICADE

Israel Alonso Martínez

Professor at Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid ICAI-ICADE

Advisory Team

Francesc Fajula De Quintana

Director Open Innovation at Banco Sabadell

Roberto Nuñez Del Rio

Founder at Why? Training and HubIT Digital

Marcos De Pedro

CEO at myClouddoor

Covadonga Fernández

Director at Blockchain Observatory

José Salamanca

COO at UST Global España & LATAM

Jorge Alonso

General Director at Second Window

Ricardo Usaola

Regional Vice President - Iberia MuleSoft Sales at Salesforce

Valentin Galan

Channel and Alliance Regional Partner Director at Mulesoft, a Salesforce Company

Juan Boquera

Operations Manager at The Cocktail

Juan Antonio Sánchez Cañibano

Head of Digital Services Sales Specialists

Jorge Aponte

Influencer Blockchain & Crypto | Global Busines Developer
For more information, please visit:

Website : https://dain.ai/

Whitepaper : https://dain.ai/docs/DAIN – Whitepaper_ENG.pdf

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/dainware

Twitter : https://twitter.com/dainware

Telegram : https://t.me/dainware

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/dain

Blog : https://dain.ai/blog
Author : Maniecool
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1692995

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