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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

JUIICE- Fun and Rewarding Experience 

Blockchain technology has gotten to the level in which the whole world cannot do without it. We have discovered that this technology is making the news headline everyday which symbolizes global and rapid adoption of this technology. But despite the greatness and potential of this technology, there are still some things that needed to be improved upon its use. We have several and different blockchain network such as bitcoin blockchain, ethereum blockchain, eos blockchain, tron blockchain and some other more. The level of difficulties associated with each of this blockchain network varies based on the type of blockchain. We have some blockchain that are more cumbersome and difficult to use than some others, we also have some that easy to use but they are lacking some other qualities. Let’s take for example the speed of transaction which is solely dependent on the nature of blockchain transaction. Some transactions do take several hours before it could be confirmed on the blockchain network, some blockchain also charges high transaction and mining fees. This is the reason why a new team has gathered around to rectify this problem by launching a new blockchain project known as JUIICE


The Juiice platform is created by developers to allow all users of social networks to receive compensation for their created content. Since existing social networks do not reward their users, Juiice solves this problem and allows anyone who creates unique content to earn money on it by getting JUI coins.

People who made money on existing platforms, posting their photos, comments, videos, made money only on these platforms, and for themselves they did not receive anything.

Juiice will reward its users for creating content, regardless of the amount of content. The platform will allocate money for this from the revenue generated from advertising. Users can also reward anyone else if they like the content of another author.

The main principle of the Juiice platform is to financially motivate users to share, post or rate content they like. The ecosystem consists of users, content generators, advertisers, application developers who actively interact with each other.
The Feature

Free user account

Platform registration is free for everyone and gives access to all the features of the Juiice platform:

Add content

Share content

Do daily tasks

Unlock extra features

Reward favorite content creator

Juiice Power Account (reward account)

This account unlocks power features. This is to avoid non-contributing accounts that may contain inappropriate content. Unlocking requires only 1000 JUI tokens, which can be easily obtained by hosting your own content.

Gamification in a fun way

For various actions (liking, commenting ...) on the platform, the user will also receive Juiice Pulp, for which can receive badges and ranks, which will motivate users to be more active.

Donation feature

Provides donations to various charities that will be featured on the platform. In the account will be able to set a certain percentage of the rewards that will be allocated for this purpose.

Influencers tools

There will be various tools for advertisers on the Juiice platform, for which they will receive rewards in Juiice tokens.

Daily queue bonuses

Users will receive daily quests, such as video viewing, sharing, likes for comments, for which they will receive bonuses.

Invitation bonus

Juiice has a referral program to invite other people to the platform, for which users will receive a share of their earnings.


The Benefits

Providing creators with ореn dооrѕ fоr furthеr іmрrоvеmеnt;

Enѕurіng аѕѕосіаtіоn аmоng сrеаtоrѕ аnd іnfluеnсеr

Imрrоvіng thе dimension оf lеgіtіmаtе proficiency оf сrеаtоrѕ.

Unіԛuеnеѕѕ - Thе JUIICE рlаtfоrm оffеrѕ a unіԛuе аnd vаrуіng іntеrfасе wіth ѕеrvісеѕ сlеаrlу ѕераrаtеd іntо vаrіоuѕ tаbѕ.

Cоmреtеnсе - Thе оrgаnіzаtіоnаl рrореrtіеѕ аnd lеаnlу аrrаngеd funсtіоnѕ оf thе ѕіtе аѕ wеll as thе ѕесurе аnd fаѕt ассеѕѕ gіvеѕ соmреtеnсу tо thе JUIICE рlаtfоrm.

About The JUIICE Token

JUI is an ERC20 token created on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain and used as a rewarding mechanism on the Juiice platform.

Juiice will receive the main revenue from advertising, 60% of which will be distributed to existing users of the platform through the purchase of tokens, 40% will be spent on the cost of the platform and its development.

To stabilize the JUI market, the token will be charged a small fee for the purchase and transfer of tokens within the platform, and will also apply token destruction events to reduce JUI circulating supply.

General Information: JUIICE - JUI

Juiice token (Ticker: JUI) is a fully compliant ERC-20 utility token

Total number of JUI Tokens that will be generated during the Token Generation Event: 50,000,000,000 JUI

No additional tokens will be created in the future and all tokens, not sold in the Token Sale, will be burned.

Total number of JUI tokens reserved for Token Sale (the Private and Public Sale): 30,000,000,000 JUI (60 %)

Minimum sum of contributions (soft cap): 1,000,000 USD

JUI token price: 1 JUI = 0.0002 USD

Token Distribution


Total number of generated JUIICE Tokens: 50,000,000,000

60% of tokens will be sold in the ICO to secure funds for further product develop- ment, operations and international expansion

10% of tokens will be given to early stage angel investors, true believers, who showed a lot of trust and provided rocket fuel for our idea

7% of tokens will be awarded to our advisors and ambassadors that helped the project with their knowledge and expertise

3% of tokens will be added to Juiice.com reward pool 12

10% of tokens is reserved for Juiice Foundation.

4% of tokens is intended for the initial stocking of the bounty pool to award contributors, who help build and curate our database of entities

6% of tokens will be held by project founders and the rest of the team that helped to bring the project to life with their hard work and dedication

Sale Proceed Allocation

Total number of generated JUIICE Tokens: 50,000,000,000

40% Marketing

20% Product Development

15% Administrative and operational cost

15% Business development

5% Legal cost

5% IT infrastructure
Team Members


Q1 2019

POC ( proof of concept )

Q2 2019

MVP ( minimum viable product )

Q3 2019

Working web platform (Juiice.com)

Closed Private Sale (10% of tokens)

Q4 2019

Apply for IEO

Gamification added to Juiice platform

Features: create groups, pages

Juiice Learning School

First rewards payouts to users

Q1 2020

App realeased on google play and apple store

Tokens transaction information platform

Expansion of features on platform

Tools for micro influencers

Q2 2020

Live streaming option

Own games added to Juiice

Cooperation with online celebrities/influencers

Q3 2020

Integration of AR features (augmented reality)

Juiice Chat App (secure encrypted chat)

Juiice Photo App with facetracking features
For more information, please visit:

WEBSITE: http://www.juiice.io/

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/juiiceltd

WHITEPAPER: https://www.juiice.io/wp/whitepaper-juiice.pdf

BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5211848.0

ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5182450

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/juiicecom/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ComJuiice

MEDIUM: https://medium.com/juiice-io

REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/juiicecom

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/juiice-ltd/

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/juiice_com/

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoDxIcYWodviYEsBr5eYYyA

Author : Maniecool
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1692995

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