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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

MODIHOST-innovative hotel management system facilitating easy access to AI technologies for hotels

Blockchain technology has gotten to the level in which the whole world cannot do without it. We have discovered that this technology is making the news headline everyday which symbolizes global and rapid adoption of this technology. But despite the greatness and potential of this technology, there are still some things that needed to be improved upon its use. We have several and different blockchain network such as bitcoin blockchain, ethereum blockchain, eos blockchain, tron blockchain and some other more. The level of difficulties associated with each of this blockchain network varies based on the type of blockchain. We have some blockchain that are more cumbersome and difficult to use than some others, we also have some that easy to use but they are lacking some other qualities. Let’s take for example the speed of transaction which is solely dependent on the nature of blockchain transaction. Some transactions do take several hours before it could be confirmed on the blockchain network, some blockchain also charges high transaction and mining fees. This is the reason why a new team has gathered around to rectify this problem by launching a new blockchain project known as Inel company

ModiHost is an innovative SaaS hotel management system facilitating easy access to AI technologies for hotels of any size or complexity. Using blockchain for transparency, the system harnesses the power of AI to deliver the best possible customer experience – for hotels and their guests. ModiHost predicts customers' needs beyond their expectations.

ModiHost creates an exceptional, personalized experience for the guest with a number of technologies like Watson Personal Assistant, chatbots, and direct interaction. The prediction of guests’ needs and preferences makes them feel special.

Modern hotels offer their guests more than just a room to stay the night — they create entire ecosystems for travellers. The goal is to do more than help a guest with a good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast, it’s to make their trip a unique and unforgettable experience.

Great hoteliers say that success comes from the ability to anticipate your guests’ wishes. However, when guests’ requests are numerous and diverse, fulfilling them may become tricky.

Thanks to the featureful Modihost platform, we help hospitality companies with many things: expanding their opportunities, increasing revenue and fixing hotel management mistakes.

How It Works?

ModiHost is an innovative SaaS hotel management system facilitating easy access to AI technologies for hotels of any size or complexity.

Using blockchain for transparency, the system harnesses the power of AI to deliver the best possible customer experience – for hotels and their guests. ModiHost predicts customers' needs beyond their expectations.

Hotels need tokens to access services from Modihost to facilitate guests’ needs or hotel operations using the platform’s capabilities and Artificial Intelligence.

Pools lend tokens to the hotels for Modihost operations. Pools receive rewards in return.

Pool tokens lent to hotel operations are in constant circulation, earning interest for the token holders. Every holder may join a pool to lend tokens to hotels.

The Benefits - Guest

Experiences tailored to their interests.

Client-oriented approach.

No language and communication barriers.

Interaction with the hotel becomes automated.

Rapid response.

Quality customer care.

Unique services.

The Benefits - Hotels

Significant sales boost.

Decrease in operating costs.

A more extensive range of services.

Ease of deployment.

Revenue boost.

Reputation boost.

Better customer care and service quality.

About The Modihost Token

Token Metrics

Total supply: 1,000,000,000 (one billion)

Tokens for sale: 750,000,000 (seven hundred and fifty million)

In both the pre- and main sales the minimum purchase amount will be 1,000 tokens. There will be no upper limit on purchase amount.

Tokens can be purchased in EOS, ETH, BTC, XRP, BCH, LTC and DASH.

Hard cap: $21,109,000.

Soft cap: $16,678,000.

Token Distribution

All tokens allocated to team members and advisors will be locked up for a period of three years for purposes of incentive alignment.

Special Team

Stephan Radwitz


Several iconic construction projects such as the Carl-Benz Stadion, multi-purpose stadium in Mannheim and the Gläserne Manufaktur in Saxony, Germany.

Krish Mahajan


UPI (Unified Payments Interface) for the National Payments Corporation of India which is handled over 150 million transactions in its first month of operation.

Fiona Yalcin


With a background in Human Resource Management and Development in the Hospitality Industry, she is the ideal person on the Modinori team.
For more information, please visit:

Website: https://modihost.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/ModiHost

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ModiHost-110181610374825/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ModiHost

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/ModiHost

Medium: https://medium.com/@ModiHost

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/modihost/about/?viewAsMember=true
Author : Maniecool
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1692995

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