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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

TokenGo - platform future for tokenization the business

Hello! Friends, today I want to tell You about a new revolutionary platform TokenGO.
What does TokenGo?

The project wants to bring the cryptographic community to a new level of development. Thanks to the creation of a platform TokenGo, the creators of the ideas and projects will have access to the proper tools for rapid development and preparation for the ICO. In the end, TokenGo plans to provide stakeholders all the necessary decisions, ranging from unique designer smart contracts to all necessary tools. Their list includes tokens, lending structure holding the bounty of the companies with private offices for members who are ready security solutions websites, etc. here is the link to their website https://tokengoplatform.com/ 

 What products offers TokenGo?

 A web platform, where a systematic summary information on projects and current procedures of the ICO. Each member of the platform at any time can view the statistics of their activities. 

 A website Builder is, every project needs a harmonious, but at the same time simple and intuitive site for a ICO. TokenGo will develop a special constructor with flexible settings and integration with the core platform. 

 Designer smart contracts, which will allow to systematize the process and minimize the impact of human error. 

 Cryptocurrency exchange to simplify the process of generating income. TokenGo flexible architecture allows you to integrate an unlimited number of currency pairs and connect the process with the office of the main platform. 

 Harvesting voting, as mentioned below, the main focus is on the participants platform. Counted every vote of the holders of GoPower tokens, and coins were manufactured GoCoin will be fairly divided between the authors and the Curators of the project. 

 The tokenization of the business is to provide a closed system of circulation of the token. Fundraising with ICO and issue of tokens must be supported by a number of factors. Unfortunately, many projects do not realize it, and as a result face the following challenges: 

  • the value of the token is determined by its demand. If a digital asset cannot be sold on the exchanges to use for the transaction, its cost is impossible to estimate. The system should be self-contained and to motivate participants to buy and sell the issued asset;
  • every token must have a unique value to its holder. If an investor can easily sell their assets, without having missed any of their own benefits, so the project is properly developed system of motivation of users. In this case, the token will be used solely as a speculative tool;
  •  mismatch token economy and spheres of activity of the project. Most often this problem faced by companies operating in those industries in which tokenization is not necessary in principle.

The advantages of tokenization business: 

  •  issued by companies tokens are a powerful financial tool.tokens unite investors and participants. Described in the WhitePaper the conditions motivate the majority of participants in the Ecosystem to move toward a single global goal. Is the tokenization not only changes the business model, but for specific business processes. The project TokenGo has the solutions to the above problems. To ensure the isolation of Ecosystems is planned as follows:owners GoPower tokens are automatically eligible to participate in the production of cryptocurrency project — coins GoCoin (GOC);
  •  5% of the mined coins get the miners/delegates. The remaining amount is taken as 100% and distributed between the token holders and active participants of the platform. In the first month of production GoCoin 100% of the tokens will go to the holders of GoPower. Further 90% will be distributed to the holders of the GoPower and 10% — among the active participants of the Ecosystem. And from the second year of operation of the platform, the ratio will change by 10% (80% away token holders and 20% to the participants). This is necessary to meet the demand of the growing number of active participants in the platform;
  • inevitable the growth rate of the GoPower will remain attractive remuneration in the GOC;
  •  all received coins GOC can immediately spend. For example, to pay for the services or products presented on the platform TokenGo, to sell on the domestic and, later, on third-party exchanges, exchange immediately with the help of a trading robot or invest in ICO projects submitted on the platform. 

Advantages TokenGo:

  •  high speed transactions. Delegates can enable appropriate transactions in a block without checking half of all the node of the network;
  • ability to make decisions. Any owner of at least 1 GoPower will be able to give her voice in favour of a decision;
  • high degree of control. Existing mechanisms will allow to come to a consensus in the future development of the network. 

 The distribution of tokens on ICO: 

  • The total emission of 700 000 000 GTP;
  • Exhibited in the free market 600 000 000 GTP;
  • Reserve for settlement with a strategic;
  • partners and early investors 50 000 000 GTP;
  • Reserve for team 30 000 000 GTP;
  • Reserve for allocation at the bounty of 20 000 000 GTP. 

 All unsold tokens will be destroyed. 

 As for the bounty of the Company will be a separate article, in short I can say the following: 

  • a large number of tasks;
  • user friendly interface;
  • fast approval of each job;
  • generous compensation.

 In total, I can say that the platform TokenGo this project which is definitely worth to invest this project with a great future that will take its place in the cryptocurrency market.

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