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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

Men’s Hockey Team Strip Naked

A British university sports team have become an online sensation after raising awareness for an anti-homophobia campaign by playing a hockey match – completely NAKED. The students bared all to be filmed for a cheeky five-a-side game which has already gone viral after being viewed over 153,000 times in just two days. Featuring 17 members of the University of Nottingham Men’s Hockey Club the lads can be seen stripping off their usual match gear during the two minute long video. The buff students then crouch on the astroturf pitch in their birthday suits with just hockey sticks to protect their modesty before playing a match completely starkers. They also pose for a series of nude photos before the video ends with a team shot of the boys with “No homophobia in sport” painted across their bare chests. The raunchy video – which features members from all five of the uni’s hockey teams – was released on Wednesday. It proved an instant hit with over 80,000 Youtube views in just 24 hours and has since being shared thousands of times on Twitter and Facebook.
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