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7 лет назад

Top 5 Armada Tv недели

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We are back with the best of techno armada tv for the first week of March I hope you like the clips we chose.

Number 5 ATFC & David Penn - Hipcats

Couple of DJs from the UK focused on the House and the Deep House started their career in 2009 today they are back with their new single HIpcats begins as always soft and introductory tones, with a piano mouthpiece characteristic of the rest of the song basically the song talk about the Hipscats great cats and stereotypes of disco is quite a fun good song of House

Number 4 MaRLo - Enough Echo

MaRLo is a German DJ who currently lives in Australia his style is really unique takes modern elements of the current Techno and mixes them with Progressive House and some elements of the 2000 creating a very unique style that is completely reflected in Enough Echo the video is quite funny we see how a rabbit you want to have fun gets taken to a festival where MaRLo is on stage. And the whole event begins. The progression of the theme is excellent begins suabe and progressively up the pace and times without feeling a sharp change highly recommended

Number 3 S-Man & Huxley feat. Aimée Sophia - Wasting Time



S-Man and Huxley get together for the first time and bring us a new mix of Progressive House with the collaboration Aimeé Sophia that puts a great touch to the song song talks about how the protagonist does not like to waste her time with banal loves you can be your priority but not the only one. The normal in divas

Number 2 Adam K & Soha - Twilight vs Breathe

Adam K and Soha are a duo canadience of Djs from House and Deep House that after their separation in 2013 reunited again in 2018 to bring us this fantastic VS where they mix their two most iconic sounds. A good return we will see if they continue for another 3 years more

Number 1 Zack Martino - Hold On To Me

The American DJ brings us a new great Techno song to dance and enjoy Hold On To Me tells the story of a girl who does not want to let go of the disc any more as always in techno is rare to find deep lyrics however the production of this theme is spectacular sounds quite cool and progressive to enjoy

Tell me your favorite band i love hear new music everytime :)

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