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7 лет назад

Digitize it is quickly becoming the past. Thinkitize it!


We’re rapidly approaching a point where our brains will directly interact with technology and data. This is particularly exciting when it comes to our memories and social lives. What does the world look like when we ‘thinkitize’ instead of digitize?

What this means for our memories

Research shows our memories are incredibly unreliable. In a Commodore 64 esque level of sophistication, our brains are equipped with the (pretty dumb) feature of overwriting our memories every time we recall them. The result is that memories have no fixed point even though they feel absolute.
But managing digital data isn’t a perfect solution either. We constantly struggle with finding ways to organize our records. What if there was a perfect combination of the two? We may hit a point where digital data and records are redundant. Technologies may soon arrive which allow us to access memories and data through brain commands.

The challenges are considerable: “Think of it as watching a stage production with many actors talking in a cryptic language and trying to figure out the premise of the play.“ But this is where artificial intelligence comes in. With emerging software systems developed by Neurogress, AI is used to learn how people tick. Through repeated training sessions, Neurogress’ software develops a sophisticated algorithm geared to the unique thoughts of each individual.
This has the potential to be the universal translator through which we can finally unlock the language of each actor in the complex play of our memories. Our memories could finally become both completely reliable and perfectly accessible.

Thinkitizing our Social lives

Mark Zuckerberg recently announced that Facebook is in the process of developing a brain computer interface. What does this mean? It means that in the near future we may be posting updates to social media with our thoughts.

Is this dystopia or utopia? It probably depends on who you ask and when, but whichever way you cut it, the screens and input devices we see as an integral part of how we interact with technology look set to fall by the wayside. Thinkitize up a status update and send it. No pesky screens or keyboards required.

This might all seem like a distant and abstract jumble of maybes. However, remember that Neurogress software which harnesses AI to learn how your brain works? Well, within the next year or two, Neurogress plans to either provide third party developers with access to its API or to make its neurocontrol code open source. An explosion of products may soon be emerging onto the market which will allow us to thinkitize without ever having to interact with a screen and keyboard.

The era of thinkitization (or some more marketable word that is easier to say) may be here sooner than you think. Neurotechnological innovation introduces a future in which digital media will become more closely integrated with the nuts and bolts of how we think. It excites people.

Invest in the interactive mind-controlled devices of the future by buying tokens now. Visit Neurogress.io.

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