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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

Surrogates are Closer than You Think


I give the command with my mind and there’s a peculiar pop feeling as my consciousness arcs across the room to my robot surrogate. It feels weird and for the first few seconds I feel dizzy. I reach my hand out to catch hold of the counter and restore my balance, but then I realize I’m not moving my body’s hand at all. Instead my new robotic hand reaches out into space and I swear under my breath, embarrassed.

“Don’t worry, it gets easier”, the salesperson says, not very reassuringly. “Try moving your head.”

For a moment I find it hard to divide my body’s head from the metal head of the device my consciousness is inhabiting, but then somehow in a rush it all clicks into place, the AI-boosted software mediating the connection between myself and the robot rapidly learning how my brain works when I’m excited and struggling to concentrate.

Within minutes I’m walking around the showroom, the room unnaturally bright to my new robotic eyes. This scenario might seem farfetched, but it really isn’t. Thanks to innovations in artificial intelligence and neurotechnology we are soon reaching a point where you too could be walking around jauntily in your new thought-controlled robot.

Robotic surrogates in our everyday lives

Robots have been an integral part of human life for quite a while now, particularly in industry. But with neurotechnology, the emergent possibility is that robots may be directly controlled with human thought. Furthermore this can be achieved with minimal training and a high level of precision. Neurogress, a neurotechnological innovator specializing in AI-powered neurocontrol software, is at the forefront of making this happen. Their vision is ambitious:

“Each person will have a personal assistant that will be controlled by the power of thought. All of the robot’s actions can be monitored through virtual reality devices, i.e. you will be able to see and hear whatever the robot sees and hears.”

This is taking the classic idea of the humble robotic assistant and shifting it to a whole new level. We’re no longer looking at a metal automaton who performs mindless tasks to make our lives easier. Far more than that, Neurogress is offering a future in which we can be multiple places at once, a steady stream of sensory data flowing back to our brains via advanced AI software. Robotic surrogates will expand the things that humans can experience and the impact on every aspect of our lives is hard to fathom.

The impact this will have on our reach as a species

Here’s just one example. Humans could be living on Mars by 2030. In fact, depending on who you trust for your Mars data, there could be up to four thousand frail (possibly misguided) little humans scrabbling around on the red planet by 2032. Perhaps the first Mars colonists will use thought controlled surrogate robots to perform hazardous tasks on the planet’s surface while they hunker down in the relative safety of a subterranean lava tunnel, sipping Mountain Dew.

Neurogress’ work toward perfecting the communication between brain and machine may one day be one indispensable component of humans becoming an interplanetary species.

Invest in the interactive mind-controlled devices of the future by buying tokens now. Visit Neurogress.io.

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