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7 лет назад

Thoughts of the Future: How Ephemeral Becomes Solid


Advancements in neurotechnology have the potential to give us the power to directly manipulate the world with our thoughts. But the possibilities only begin there. As society begins to take this heightened agency for granted there’s enormous potential for we as a species to better understand ourselves and the substantial role that thought plays in forging the building blocks of our reality.

Our thoughts will become our hands

Through software such as that being developed by Neurogress, which harnesses advanced AI to learn our thought processes, we will reach a point of having complex and nuanced thought control of devices around us. The distance between wanting something to happen and making it occur will be as small as sending a thought command.

This enhances convenience, but the implications are more far-reaching than mere convenience. We will live in a world that more readily changes and conforms to our will and this will have a huge impact on quality of life.

But it’s not just about wielding more influence over the world

It’s not just about control, however. Through linking minds together we may gain new insights into the thought processes of the people around us. In this sense, neurotechnology offers the possibility that we may all be better understood. The mental mysteries of the person next to you may finally be unraveled. We will enter a world in which our thoughts will be less abstract.

I think this will be particularly exciting in our artistic endeavors. If we are no longer limited to what we can achieve with our hands and the physical media we work with, where can we go next? What does art even look like when the mind itself becomes the brush?

We may be on the verge of finding completely new forms of expression in which art ceases to be a physical “thing” that we produce but rather is the unique, essential spark of inspiration a person is capable of conceiving and then sharing with another person through a brain-computer interface. One prominent cultural futurist asserted, “art today will be viewed in the future as laudable but laughable attempts at telepathic exchange”.

What happens when all this is as natural to us as breathing?

Let’s take this forward to a time when society has grown accustomed to directly manipulating objects with our thoughts and being able to share our emotions like sharing a meal. We may well reach a point where we begin to no longer see such a critical distinction between things that are made of molecules and states of mind which are made of neurons. The boundaries between thought and matter, abstraction and concrete reality may become not just blurred but irrelevant.

Indeed, we may see a reversal where our abstractions become our bedrock. Neurogress’ forays into developing software that can learn how we think represents a decisive leap in that direction. As advanced AI software for reading our brain signals becomes ever more sophisticated we may well reach a point where our thoughts are seen as the most substantial and concrete aspect of our lives.

Invest in the interactive mind-controlled devices of the future by buying tokens now. Visit Neurogress.io.

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