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7 лет назад

Who do You Think You are? How do We Keep Focus on Ourselves when Controlling Human-Like Robots?


Right now, neurotechnology is a catalyst for some pretty amazing changes — not just in relation to the cool devices we will have at our disposal, but to society at large. One such innovation with gigantic potential to radically transform society is thought controlled robotics.

Neurogress is a pioneer innovator in neurotechnology. They’re developing software which utilizes AI to greatly enhance the human brain’s ability to directly control devices. Whereas your average human brain might previously have managed a handful of signals after a year’s training, through Neurogress’ technology people are able to learn an entire suite of complex brain commands in a fraction of the time — just weeks. Couple this with the insane progress we’re seeing in robotics and it isn’t hard to connect the dots. Sooner than could possibly have been imagined a mere twenty years ago, robotic surrogates may be making a dramatic entry into our daily lives.

The question is, even if the technology can allow it, can our meagre fleshy human brains actually cope with the additional mental pressures of effectively being in two places at once? How on earth will we manage to focus? Even if the technology is there, are we ready for it as a species? To rise to the challenge, society will have to catch up with technology.

Power down zones

Even today, we’re seeing the beginning of this. We’ve all been in that situation where we’re engrossed in a detailed conversation and one of the speakers needs to call a temporary halt, pick up a device and deal with some pressing online business. Sure it’s annoying, but most people get that there just needs to be a certain level of tolerance for multitasking.

Fifty years from now when people may be splitting their focus dynamically across one (or even more) thought controlled devices, a deep mutual tolerance of distraction will be essential if we’re going to get along.
Maybe it’s a little out there, but here’s my prediction: I think “power down” zones will pop up throughout big cities. Think of it as a cafe for our surrogate selves. Busy folks will park their secondary self there to recharge while they need to devote their full attention elsewhere. Then when they feel ready they can wake their surrogate up with a mental command and return to their dual-focused day.

Coping with the ‘uncanny valley’

Right now, a huge amount of attention is going into understanding a phenomenon known as the ‘uncanny valley’.
“The concept of the uncanny valley suggests that humanoid objects which appear almost, but not exactly, like real human beings elicit uncanny, or strangely familiar, feelings of eeriness and revulsion in observers.”
If a face blinks at a slightly strange rate, if a smile is too broad or too narrow, if hand gestures are just a tiny bit out of sync with speech, we humans have an amazing knack of noticing it and not liking it at a visceral level. So when we are surrounded by not-quite-human analogs, how will we react? Will we begin to incorporate a new body language into reading people? Will we need to develop a new system for conveying emotions and intent? Somehow society will need to arrive at answers to these really weird questions.

We will gain new respect for sleep and calm

It’s reasonable to imagine that the “integration of the physical, digital and biological realms” will place an additional burden on our brains. Being in multiple places at once won’t always be easy! Fortunately, neurotechnology may provide an answer in the form of stimulating the brain to produce a meditative, calm state.
As meditation is such an individualized and subjective process, a game changer will be software that draws from advanced AI to truly understand how our brain works. Utilizing AI, relaxation inducing neurotechnology may be able to deliver highly customized meditation experiences made to fit perfectly with how each individual thinks. We’re seeing the beginnings of this now in fact. Neurogress is developing software which utilizes advanced AI to actively learn how each individual brain works and to work with these unique patterns to achieve a desired result.

Taking time to ourselves to re-center may become an important feature of many people’s lives and one that society comes to respect far more than it does now.

Neurotechnology innovation is creating new challenges for we as individuals but also for society at large. The extraordinary pay off is that we may achieve the productivity Shangri La of being two places at once! Invest in the interactive mind-controlled devices of the future by buying tokens now and help to promote innovation.

Invest in the interactive mind-controlled devices of the future by buying tokens now. Visit Neurogress.io.

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