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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

BANK ROBBERY - Episode 2


Edited Image: Source

The gunshots ceased for a while, only to give way to panic screams and terrified voices echoing through the walls. Moreso, loud and clear, were the crying and agonizing voices of David’s colleagues, which could be heard through the walls, some already mourning their colleague and calling on the Almighty for divine intervention.

BANK ROBBERY - Episode One

David fell to the ground, landing on his left arm. His breath gone, and his body motionless. Blood spots were clearly visible on his immaculate white shirt; his sensory organs all blanked out from the shock. Lifeless in every sense, David would have joined the dead if not for the slight kick to his chest which served as the CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) needed to jump-start his heart once again, calling him back from his journey to the land of the dead which he unconsciously embarked on.

Now breathing, but still struck with the shock and fear of death, he was dragged off the doorway, and left in a sitting position by the fence wall, his head hanging on his neck, and sort of dangling like a pendulum experiencing its final oscillations.

One of the robbers looked at David and shook his head as trickles of blood and saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth like a fountain with a mixed flow. He had earlier bitten down on his tongue due to fear and it was bleeding.

David’s life was no doubt in the balance, as his body was in shambles and his spirit lost. Just like the Manager, he was also experiencing Bank Robbery for the first time and the trauma has overwhelmed him.

The robbers, who were now very furious, fired more shots at the door, but to no avail. The door was quite a fortress but there was a limit to what every fortress could take; thus, the manager kept praying and hoping that the police would come, and in time. Unfortunately, they didn't. They didn’t even respond to the emergency alarm triggered by the manager.

Racing against time, the robbers quickly resorted to the use of explosives which brought down the fortified door in an unbelievable manner.

Thick dust and smoke took over the vicinity and with the sound from the explosion still rocking the brains of the bankers, many with serious concoction, the robbers, in commando style invaded the banking halls rounding up everybody in the building on the main hall.

“Showtime” said the leader of the gang, and then he added, “I have only seventeen minutes to spend here. If you cooperate with me I could spend less time and leave; but if you choose to behave otherwise or try to be a hero, I will repaint this banking hall with your blood. Now, who amongst you is the manager and where the hell is his assistant?”

Mr. Okon, trembling as if the surface on which he stood was experiencing a tremor, humbly identified himself as the manager. He was quickly asked to call on the vault officer and he immediately did without hesitation.

Wasting no time, the leader of the gang ordered “Break the combinations”, and again without hesitation, they obeyed.

Taking a look into the vault, the leader of the gang smiled and said, “Just like we were promised, the foreign currencies are there. Load them up boys.”

Having robbed the vault clean of all the foreign currencies, their leader turned to the staff and said: “The local currencies are all yours, so fill your pockets and inflate that which we have stolen”. Then he roared in laughter and questioned in Pidgin English, “Hahahahaha, No be so una dey do? Abi una no dey use us shine?” His questions were left unanswered as no one had the guts to dare him.

Then, with his face grimmer than ever and his voice suddenly filled with anger mysteriously summoned from the unknown, he turned to the manager and thundered with rage, “You shouldn't have disobeyed me earlier. Those explosive cost me so much money. Besides, you didn’t even care about your staff, the father of twins especially”. Then with his red and evil eyes, he looked into the eyes of the manager and asked, "What is your name?" "Paulinus Okon, Sir", replied the manager with a trembling voice and them he said to him "Okon, begin to say your last prayer".

Terrified and conquered by the sudden outburst of rage and the last prayer order by the gang leader, Okon, now remorseful, quickly fell to his knees, crying and begging for forgiveness. Unfortunately, it seemed the mysteriously summoned rage was a bloodthirsty one as the manager's pitiable show of remorse did not quell the anger of the gang leader who with no sign of mercy on his face, pulled out his gun, pointed it at him, and started his rhetoric count; five, four, three, two, one… Ratta-Tatta (gunshots).

Stay Tuned For Episode 3

@nicewoody69 Writes

Authored by me and can also be read here.

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