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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


We envision a world in which every business acts on a social mission, and invite you to help shape a generation of Brands with purpose beyond profit, with more financial transparency, more reliable and measurable impact, and better incentives - powered by the blockchain.


80% of consumers are likely to switch Brands, similar in price and quality, to one that supports a Cause.

Whereas reports by The Guardian1, Giving USA2 and the World Disasters Report3 only show how the nonprofit- and humanitarian sector has been suffering from a lack of trust due to a severe lack of transparency, poor incentives, and overall unreliable behaviour, interest from Brands in solving social issues has been on the rise, because they see the positive impact it can have on their business and the world.

CSR has become an excellent business opportunity for Brands, and for the first time, creating social impact doesn’t have to be solely not-for-profit.

We believe this is good news, because Brands have the resources, the talent, and the infrastructure to play a significant role in the humanitarian sector. And with a reported increase of people in need of aid, but a decrease in available funding 4, the corporate sector can play a vital role in achieving those Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.  


The nonprofit sector is struggling
& it's time for reinforcement.


Public trust is eroding

Due to the many issues in this sector that have persisted for decades, trust gradually wears away in the nonprofit sector. 


Donations are shrinking

As a result, charitable donations are on the decline in a time where there is an increased need in funding. 


Social problems increase

Pressing societal issues in dire need of sustainable development are left unattended, worsening the situation further. 


The current model isn't working...

Former United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, called for a review of the entire humanitarian sector right before the World Humanitarian Summit 2016 in Istanbul.“We're still working in an old-fashioned, centralised, top-down system, which believes in the fallacy of control. We're stuck, and we're not talking about the real issues, which are incentives, behaviour and governance. What we need is a whole new eco-system of smart humanitarianism, which responds to what is needed, which is flexible and diversified, and which is financed in new, smart ways.”

We believe that Corporate Social Responsibility can bridge the gap between the nonprofit and the for-profit sector &, attracting more funds and talent, and create more sustainable social impact.


Introducing the world’s first blockchain-based CSR platform.

Inpactor brings Brands, Causes, and Volunteers together on a social media platform equipped with features and technologies to raise funds, volunteer, manage social projects, measure and report impact, and much more.

Inpactor will be underpinned with blockchain technology, and powered by CSR Tokens. Using Distributed Ledger Technology and Smart Contracts, Brands, Causes, and Volunteers can collaborate on creating social impact in a reliable, transparent, and measurable way.

We envision a world in which every business acts on a social mission. And we invite you to help shape a generation of Brands with purpose beyond profit...


Приготовьтесь к платформе на основе блокчин, которая обеспечивает финансовую прозрачность, лучшее управление, надежные причины, измеримую рентабельность инвестиций для брендов и большее влияние на общество !

Присоединитесь к сообществу вкладчиков, откройте платформу, убедитесь, что вы находитесь в белом списке, и станьте первым в очереди в Crowdsale. 


Meet Inpactor.

The only platform Brands will ever need to create sustainable social impact in a reliable, transparent, and measurable way while strengthening the brand.

The one-stop CSR platform

Inpactor is the world’s first one-stop platform connecting Brands to Causes to Volunteers, allowing them to easily create and implement social impact Projects, and earn incentives for their effort and performance.

Inpactor is the underpinning technology that provides a scalable solution for Incitement’s approach to CSR. Not only does it allow for the creation of more social impact, it also provides a better and more consistent solution for each stakeholders’ challenges. Plus, the platform is free for anyone to use. 


Inpactor brings Brands, Causes, and Volunteers to one platform

To collaborate on creating social impact through CSR


Benefits for Brands
  • Easily find suitable social projects & remove lengthy selection processes.
  • Receive 'branding perks' as an incentive on CSR initiatives & grow your brand.
  • Use CSR for impact, marketing, andretention - all at once - aligning internal cross-department motives.
  • Measure the impact CSR has on your business in terms of ROI.
  • Create meaningful employee engagement programmes.
  • Profit from efficiency gains in project planning with better project management tools.
  • Work with accountable and reliable organisations & verified impact measurements- and reports.
  • Make social responsibility a part of your core business & attract more customers.
  • Easily ttract & retain talented employees, and increase employee productivity.
  • Use premium features to get even more out of the platform!


Benefits for Causes
  • Easily list your project & publish it into a network of 1000s of Brands and Volunteers.
  • Attract funds from Brands by providing them with 'branding perks.'
  • Attract, recruit, screen, and review volunteers using recruitment tools specifically designed for Causes.
  • Use project management tools customised for social projects.
  • List your projects & impact onto your Cause Channel to generate exposure and awareness.
  • Measure & report your impact using Inpactor's in-built Hourglass tool developed in collaboration with 
  • Taylor's Education Group.
  • Easily find and apply for grants that are suitable to your Cause
  • Use premium features to get even more out of the platform!


Benefits for Volunteers
  • Easily find suitable social projects based on your preferences.
  • Work on projects based on skills that you already have, or skills that you'd like to acquire.
  • List your work on your public profile & build your resume.
  • Receive incentives for volunteering (more about this on the Tokens page)
  • Publish your experience directly to LinkedIn.
  • Collaborate with Causes using shared project management tools.
  • Build your network through Inpactor's social media-like interface.
  • Use premium features to get even more out of the platform!


SR Tokens.

Introducing the world’s first CSR platform for Brands, Causes, and Volunteers, powered by the blockchain & a global community. 

 The 'm' in CSRm stands for market

CSRm is a work token

Used inside and outside of Inpactor

Tradable on the exchange

Initial value of 1 ETH = 2,286 CSRm

Upgradable ERC 20-token,
running off the Ethereum blockchain.

Total supply of 240 million CSRm 

hard cap: 96 000 000 CSRm ( 42 000 ETH)

Pre sale: 01.03.18 - 19.05.18

Community sale: 19.05.18 - 19.07.18

Crowd sale: 03.09.18 - 25.09.18


Why are there two tokens?

CSRi and CSRm serve different purposes, but interact in synergy.



The value of CSRi must remain stable at all times. Hence, CSRi functions independently inside Inpactor and cannot be traded. The funds are intended for impact creation, therefore cannot be exposed to the extreme volatility inherent to today's token market.CSRi allows for more financial transparency in the funding process using distributed ledger technology, accurate reporting using Proof of Impact (PoI) - whereby volunteers vote on a Cause's impact report - and reliable collaborations using smart contracts to complement the Project implementation. 



As an incentive for creating social impact, Brands receive CSRm each time they fund a project. This CSRm incentive can be spent inside Inpactor’s advertising platform, creating measurable ROI on their CSR initiatives, or, like any other token, it can be publicly traded, or used to accrue fixed interest using Proof of Stake.CSRm also introduces a Distributed Governance Framework. This framework gives token holders voting power. This means that the community decides how this platform should evolve, which Projects get highlighted, and which social issues Brands should be solving. 

Website: https://csr.inpactor.com/
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3283594.0
Telegram: https://t.me/theincitement
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theincitement
Twitter: https://twitter.com/theincitement

Bitcointalk username: lalilalau    
Bitcointalk profile link:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1706864    

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