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6 лет назад


 The advent of the blockchain has rapidly changed the landscape of the tech industry. In just a few short years, the focus of development has shifted from isolated, siloed, and privatized information systems to decentralized, independent and permissionless ledgers. More recently, the rapid growth of Ethereum has brought smart contracts and DApps to the forefront. Ethereum-based smart contracts give the ability to utilize the blockchain and cryptoeconomic principles across countless industries and implementations. However, we currently don’t have a decentralized and authoritative oracle to determine and verify location. The XYO Network solves this problem by creating a layered location verification service that is effective across many device classes and smart contract protocols. It’s based on a set of novel cryptographic mechanisms, Proof of Origin and Bound Witnesses, which tie together the power of the blockchain and real world data collection into a system with direct applications today. 


How It Works

The XYO Network is made up of four primary components:

  • Sentinels, which gather data about their location, environment, and other nearby XYO Network devices and store this information on an onboard digital ledger,
  • Bridges, which relay information from Sentinels to the public blockchain, where it is stored in perpetuity,
  • Archivists, which store and index the information transmitted via Bridges,
  • Diviners, which access the information in order to verify location or answer queries.

 Together, the interaction history between Sentinels and Bridges creates an unalterable Proof of Origin Chain which is stored and indexed via Archivists. By examining individual Proof of Origin Chains and their Intersections with other Chains, Diviners can provide location verification and location history for a specific Sentinel or set of Sentinels.Since interactions between Sentinels are recorded on each device’s individual Proof of Origin Chain, you can verify that the interaction occurred by comparing the Chains at the point of Interaction. This creates the concept of Bound Witnesses, allowing us to establish trust and certainty despite the decentralized nature of the XYO Network.

Providing the Best Answer

When a user submits a query to the XYO Network — for example, if they want to know if an e-commerce order was delivered to the customer — there exists the potential for inaccurate or conflicting responses. Diviners examine all available information and determine the best possible answer based on the timeliness and trustworthiness of the information provided. Specific details on how this Best Answer is determined are available in the XYO Network white paper.

XYO Tokens

 The XYO token, which is the network’s native currency, is a utility token used to purchase ultra-specific geo-location data, exchange, and/or sell and buy location data, as well as rent your tracking information to the XYO Network in exchange for XYO tokens.You can use the tokens to purchase various products and services coming with the XYO platform or translate them into major cryptocurrencies like Ethereum (ETH) from where you can find a gateway to Fiat currencies or other cryptocurrencies respectively.The total amount of XYO will be determined after the token sale since any unsold tokens will be burned and not additional XYO tokens will be generated in the future.The starting price will be equal to 1ETH = 100,000 XYO, while the price per unit will be maxed at 1ETH = 33,333 XYO. The exact price per XYO is yet unknown since Ethereum’s price is constantly shifting. One thing is certain, and that is XYO Network’s goal to reach a capital of $48 million at the end of the public sale. 


  •  Issued tokens: 100 000 000 000
  • Type: Crowdsale
  • Symbol: XYO
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Pre-Sale: Mar. 20, 2018
  • Public Sale: May. 20, 2018
  • Payments Accepted: ETH (KYC Required)
  •  Hard cap: $48 
  •  Starting price: 0.00001 ETH


Arie Trouw (Founder & Architect), who started writing software with his TRS-80, moved from Atari to Apple and Microsoft during his early career days. He is an experienced serial entrepreneur with multiple companies under his signature raising 8-digit capitals.Scott Scheper (Co-Founder & Head Of Marketing), started working for Arie Trouw back in 2009. In 2013, he launched Greenlamp, a programmatic advertising agency focusing on direct-response media buying. In the first year of its operation, Greenlamp managed to generate over $12M in revenue.Markus Levin (Co-founder & Head of Operations) has over 15 years of experience in building and managing several companies around the globe. He is the one who utilizes the talents of every employee and gets the best out of his team.In the board of advisers, we can find among others Tom Kysar (Advisor – XYO token market economy), who is the operations lead at Augur and has ties with Ethereum, and Raul Jordan (Advisor – XYOMainChain Scalability) who received a Thiel Fellowship after dropping out of Harvard.In general, the team looks solid and professional, with a board consisting of over 20 people all specialists in various spectrums of the location tracking industry, blockchain technology, and information technology. 


Detailed information: 

 WEBSITE: https://xyo.network/index.html

 ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3040825.0

 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/XYOracleNetwork

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/xyonetwork

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/xyonetwork

BLOG:  https://medium.com/@XYOracleNetwork

Author: lalilalau    

Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1706864    

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На Golos с March 2018
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