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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

What is Enlightenment, Really?

Awakening has nothing to do with gaining attainments; it has everything to do with losing incorrect perceptions.

This is really what meditation is all about. Although there are many methods of meditation, there are really only two critical classes:

  1. Concentration (Any method that causes the mind to become concentrated by focusing on an object such as the breath)

  2. Insight (Any method where the raw sensations of the body are observed without any reaction to them)

Imagine a perfectly still pond that is reflecting a tree. It is easy to make out the details of the tree and see all of its features clearly. Now imagine that the pond is agitated and full of ripples. The tree becomes fuzzy and at some point completely indiscernible.

The mind is like the pond. One cannot see the true nature of reality as long as the mind remains agitated. Concentration practices help to quiet the mind so that reality can be seen clearly in insight practices.

The purpose of insight practices is to see that all phenomena have the same three qualities:

  1. Impermanence (All things, pleasant or unpleasant arise and eventually pass away)

  2. Unsatisfactoriness (Nothing satisfies since nothing is permanent)

  3. Non-self (There is no permanent self essence in any particular object. )

What is called 'Enlightenment' is simply the profound and experiential understanding of these concepts. Just understanding them on the intellectual level is not enough. Think of the difference between being told that a fire can burn you and actually sticking your hand in the fire.

Knowledge is useful, but it is no replacement for actual experience. So find a good meditation instructor and get to work on your own liberation!


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