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In my past review, I attempt to give us a chance to comprehend the point of Digital Gold venture. I said they have digitalize the gold ecosystem and assembled a marketplace where financial specialists can buy, sell and store their gold. The center reasons of Digital Gold undertaking is to make a cryptographic money token (GOLD TOKEN) that will speak to the physical gold. This idea means individuals would now be able to purchase gold online with GOLD TOKEN.

For individuals that don't have sound learning; what Digital Gold platform need to do is that, rather than going to vault stores to purchase gold, you can purchase GOLD TOKEN which speaks to the genuine physical gold.

The GOLD TOKEN is a cryptographic money based on ethereum connect with Erc-20 standard. It is likewise a steady token supported by physical gold. The GOLD TOKEN was assigned to be equivalents to 1 gram of physical gold.

The Digital Gold constructed this platform with the goal that everyone could without much of a stretch approach purchase, sell or store his gold resources.

  1. It is smart to put your cash in digital currency venture on the grounds that:
  2. Move of assets is promptly
  3. Working with without hardly lifting a finger and safe
  4. Moving expenses is lower
  5. No third parties
  6. Exchange are straightforward in light of the fact that everyone can see it.

In spite of the fact that there are difficulties of putting resources into cryptographic money speculation, e.g

  • Most cryptographic forms of money are not supported by any physical resources

  • It is difficult to recoup a lost reserve on the framework

  • Digital money do encounter a few changes

  • Digital money venture can be lost or increase inside a twinkle of an eye because of instability

  • Cryptographic money does not have any inborn worth or cost.


In any case, the GOLD TOKEN is additionally a digital money yet with various recognition. The GOLD TOKEN is a digital money that was upheld by physical gold. So this implies the GOLD TOKEN has an intrinsic worth, and its worth is in count with the cost of physical gold in the market. Once more, the GOLD TOKEN is likewise a stablecoin i.e it has a steady cost. GOLD TOKEN being a stablecoin will cause the token to have support over value volatility.

Dear women and men of their word, on the off chance that you need to save your riches every now and then, simply put all in gold. See beneath the reasons and bit of leeway while you should hold your benefit in gold.

Gold has support over Inflation
The gold has a support over inflation, the gold worth ordinarily goes up particularly when the average cost for basic items inspire. Records has demonstrated that the estimation of gold has been rising for quite a while for over numerous years presently despite the fact that if there is expansion in the land. The fiats in some cases loses its acquiring capacity to event of expansion, however gold worth never get influenced with swelling or any catastrophic events.

Gold has Protection over Deflation
Deflation is an occurrency when the cost of numerous wares and other worth resources goes down. Emptying typically hinder business exercises and it as a rule increment the pace of obligation in the economy. Nonetheless, gold has a security over collapse, there is customary business exercises in the gold market since its cost consistently increment. History even demonstrates that in 2018 when money related emergency happened in many pieces of the world, the cost of gold expands the more while the cost of different resources dropped of course.

Gold Has Hedge Over Geopolitical Uncertainty
Geopolitical emergency is one of the events that brings monetary vulnerability; during this sort of period, financial specialists took off from their speculation and most business will crash during this time. In any case, gold do perform very well during geopolitical emergency and its value more often than not thunder even unimaginable. Taking the geopolitical emergency that happen with European Union, in spite of the low certainty from the administering body, the cost of gold ascent significantly more.

Gold Has Higher Demand
Similarly as it expressed that gold is the most valuable metal on the world's surface now, the interest is so high. As indicated by the law of economy, the higher the interest, the higher the cost. No big surprise the cost of gold consistently increment higher. The speculators are additionally higher than the gold in the market.

Portfolio Diversification
Speculators can broaden their portfolio with different resources interest so as to lessen the general hazard. The gold market does not have a similar relationship with other sort of venture i.e stock. So gold is a sort of speculation we can use to broaden our portfolio.


The Digital Gold platform has constructed a marketplace for exchanging and trading of GOLD TOKEN. This can be found by following this connection https://gold.storage/market
The platform likewise collaborate with other digital money trade to list GOLD TOKEN for exchanging e.g Cryptex. You can get to Cryptex trade by following this connection https://cryptex.net/

Prior to the formation of Digital Gold platform, we as a whole go to vault stores to purchase or sell gold, by doing this, we pay an exceptionally high charges for trade. We likewise pay expenses to the platform that stores our gold or bring it home at proprietor hazard. Be that as it may, since GOLD will speak to physical gold, we can purchase or sell or much move without paying any charges. We don't have to pay urge expenses to capacity administrations platform for sparing our gold, on the grounds that the Digital Gold platform is in charge of that; yours is to simply store your GOLD TOKEN in any ethereum based wallet. In conclusion, we can purchase or sell any segment of GOLD in the marketplace.

It is prudent to invest in gold since its worth consistently goes higher regardless of any sort of fiascos that may happen to the economy. At the point when different monetary standards lose their incentive to expansion, gold worth will stay courageous and rise further. From all perception, I can clearly says that gold is the best venture for putting away worth, and I will urge us to buy gold whenever and each snapshot of your life. The most secure spot to put your cash ought to be in gold.

For more information about the project visit:

Website: https://gold.storage/

Whitepaper: https://gold.storage/wp.pdf

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5161544

Telegram: https://t.me/digitalgoldcoin

Medium: https://medium.com/@digitalgoldcoin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gold_erc20

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/golderc20

Bitcointalk username: Oyetunde1

Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1194023;sa=summary

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