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5 лет назад

About the Negative Calorie Diet

The Negative Calorie Diet offers a rapid weight loss plan by using the body's stored fat reserves to digest your foods. It requires eating foods with fewer calories than the body needs to digest them. When the body does not receive enough calories to digest the foods, it turns to other energy reserves in the body.

The Facts
Eating low calorie foods that have fewer calories than what the body needs to digest them will result in weight loss, as the body uses stored energy reserves for the calorie deficiency. For instance, if you eat a half cup of onion containing 65 calories, the body may need 150 calories to digest it. This is a net loss of 85 calories. In order to get those calories, the body will burn stored energy reserves. This may send some metabolisms into starvation mode, but the plan offers ways to increase the metabolism to prevent this, such as eating thermogenic foods like hot peppers and using breathing exercises to speed up the body's oxidation process.

The Negative Calorie Diet suggests that the body uses stored fat reserves when the digestive system does not have enough calories to process the food. However, the body uses energy stored in muscle tissue before using energy stored in adipose tissue. Every person's body will respond differently and the body's system that controls metabolism is complex and depends on a variety of factors, not just calorie deficiency.

Low calorie fruits and vegetables are the primary foods allowed on the Negative Calorie Diet. The only meats allowed on the diet are seafood such as shrimp and crab or tuna and trout. Breathing exercises incorporated into the plan offer a host of benefits for the mind and body.

Time Frame
The Negative Calorie Diet runs for seven days. If you need to lose more weight, take a week off the diet and start the diet again. After the seven days, The Negative Calorie Diet reintroduces you to the previously forbidden foods in the diet. It shows you how to select breads and other carbohydrates, while offering recipes and meal plans for ongoing weight management.

Those who participate in the diet learn to make healthier food choices and prepare healthier meal plans. Dieters learn to replace fast food and other non-nutritious foods with fruits and vegetables, reducing the risk of obesity and heart disease.

Risk Factors
The plan calls for eating at least two pounds of low- or empty-calorie foods a day, putting a strain on your body's organs and systems. The food choices allowed on the plan are limited and many of those foods do not offer enough nutritional value, if at all. Those who incorporate physical fitness in their lifestyle may find it difficult to find energy and keep muscle tone since the diet eliminates most proteins and all complex carbohydrates. Long-term use of the diet may cause a variety of medical problems and provoke eating disorders.

History of
In prehistoric times, humans were the first to experience the negative calorie effect because they did not have access to fertile fields to grow grains, thereby eliminating starches and sugary foods from their diet. Some of the empty foods eaten burned fat as protein intake came from animal meat.

Source: 15 Foods That Contain Almost Zero Calories

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