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5 лет назад

Double Strollers: What You Need to Know Before You Buy

Whether you're expecting twins, or you have two stroller-sized children of different ages, a double stroller is a must for most parents. But, with so many styles on the market, shopping for a set of wheels for your kids can be a bit overwhelming. These strollers aren't cheap, so you better get one you love.

Here's a look at some popular options, and pros and cons of each.



Pros: They're pretty easy to maneuver, unless you have to go through narrow doorways. Kids sit next to each other, so older kids can play and won't fight over who gets to sit in the front (or back).
Cons: Most side-by-sides can't hold infant car seats, and if your children are prone to fighting, you might not want them sitting so close to each other. If your children are of different weights, it may be tougher to steer one of these. They also take up a bit more room when folded.

Front-to-back (tandem):
Pros: Getting through doorways is easier than with a side-by-side, and, when folded, they don't take up too much room. Many tandems hold two infants in car seats or an infant and a toddler. They also have stadium seating, so the child in the back can see over the other child's head.
Cons: They can be heavy, and turns aren't easy.

Pros: They're often lightweight and good for rougher surfaces. Also, as the name suggests, you can use it while running or jogging.
Cons: Many joggers aren't recommended for newborns, as they offer no head support, and they're a bit bulky for the mall or other crowded spots. You'll likely need a traditional stroller in addition to the jogging stroller.

Sit and stand:
Pros: Also called a Stand-On, these strollers allow a bigger child to sit or stand on the back step and are great if you have a newborn and an older child.
Cons: Your toddler might drive you crazy hopping on and off the back.

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