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Pet supplies for dogs and cats

Whether it is the first puppy or tenth cat, every pet owner struggles with deciding what supplies are really needed.

What do I need for my pet?
Pet supply stores can be overwhelming, with aisles and aisles of different types of collars or cage bedding. When making a list of pet supplies, it is always best to talk to someone who already owns that animal. If this is not an option, talk to an associate at the pet supply store. They are usually quite honest about what supplies you don’t need to waste your money on. When buying supplies consider the animal’s basic needs: food, maintenance, and fun. You do not have to spend a lot to keep your pet happy. And regardless of what toys you might choose to buy, cats and dogs appreciate your time more than your gifts.

Pet Food
There are varieties of pet food for cats and dogs of all ages and lifestyles. You can buy everything from food for very active dogs to hairball control cat food. Brands like Purina and Iams are generally available in your local grocery store or drugstore. You can also buy all-natural and organic varieties of pet food at stores like Whole Foods.

Pet food bowls
Every dog and cat needs two sturdy bowls for food and water. Pet food bowls are generally available in larger sizes for dogs and smaller sizes for cats. It may be tempting to get the dish with the cute pawprint pattern or that one that matches the yellow in your kitchen trim perfectly, but be careful. Look for dishes that are stable and will not be easily kicked around if you walk into them. Weight is also an important factor. Larger dogs can easily push the bowl around with their snouts. Looks for bowls with rubber around the base to keep them from slipping and sliding.

Pet cleaning products
It just goes to say that even the most well-trained pet can still have an accident. Getting the stain and the smell completely out is crucial to preventing a repeat performance in that spot. Keep a cleaner such as Pets ‘N’ People Stain and Odor Remover on hand so you can clean the spot right away. When you walk your dog, you’ll need baggies to clean up after it and perhaps a Pooper Scooper. For cats, any simple litter box will usually do the trick. There are many fancier litter boxes such as the ones that clean themselves. Be careful before you throw down a few hundred dollars on the latest litter box technology because most cats will be scared of an automatic one and may not use it.

Grooming supplies
For the intensive pet groomer, there are entire books on techniques and materials. But the fact is, most dogs and cats don’t need much more than regular brushing and the occasional shampoo. You’ll want a brush for your dog or cat. In general, the longer your pet’s coat, the more widely spaced and longer the bristles should be. Also, the coarser the hair, the stiffer those bristles need to be. You might also consider a rubber curry comb, which massages the skin and removes dead hair from short-haired breeds.

Collars and leashes
A sturdy leash and collar for your dog are very important. If your dog is above 30 pounds, buy a harness too. These strap around the dog’s chest and make walking 100 times easier. Nylon is usually fine for a collar but rips easily if the dog pulls a lot or chews on it. For this reason, you may want to consider a leather leash. Bring your dog into the pet store to try on the harness and collar. If you have a cat, make sure you buy your cat a safety collar that has an elastic part on it. Cats can easily become caught on a branch by their collar and the elastic allows that cat to pull off the collar. If your cat will be going outdoors it is a good idea to buy a flea collar as well. The cat should wear both his regular collar and flea collar during the warmer months. Cats can very easily bring fleas into the house and spread them to your other pets.

Dog toys
When choosing a toy, the most important factor is to look for a toy that keeps the dog active. Dogs have an incredible amount of energy, which can be directed at your new designer shoes. The basics are tennis balls, a rawhide bone and other chew toys. You should always give your dog a rawhide bone before you leave for more than a couple of hours so the dog is kept occupied.

Cat toys
Cats love toys and it is important to have a few, especially if it is an indoor cat. Be careful not to but too many toys at once as cats are quite picky and you will have to experiment to see what toy the cats likes. There are many good interactive toys. Specifically, cats love teaser wands. They have a small object, such as a toy bird, attached to an elastic string, which the owner moves with a wand. You can also try catnip toys for a special treat.


Training your pet
It is important to invest in good training supplies, especially if you have a dog. If you skimp on the basics, you will struggle the frustration of having a misbehaved dog for years. Every owner has a different method for house training. The most popular and effective is crate training. Dog crates can be expensive but they make the world of difference. It is also a good idea to buy the training pads for accidents. If you do no plan on using obedience school, find a good dog-training book. Many books suggest buying a whistle which makes a noise that is used during training. You will also want to have treats available as rewards for both cats and dogs.

Even if you’ve never owned a pet before, these basic items will keep your dog or cat safe, clean, and comfortable. Enjoy the rewarding experience of raising your pet!

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