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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
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5 лет назад

The 4 Most Common Email List Building Mistakes

Email list building is one of the best ways to improve your online campaign. This is something any expert will tell you. Ask any expert and he will tell you just how effective your email list can be for your business. Trouble is, without the right approach to these lists, the results may be disappointing, to say the least. Here are some of the things that you should always avoid when you are building that list:

1. Not having an Opt out Option at Every Stage
Okay- so you got that e mail address! But are you really sure that the person would love to receive updates every single time? If you aren’t sure, have an opt-out option at the bottom of every mail you send them. It’s just a courtesy you know! You don’t want your business to suffer the counterproductive effects of annoyed visitors! A smaller list of people who are actually interested in your product is much better compared to a collection of irate people!

2. Not Continuing Benefits
Okay- so your e book offer was great and you got a few sign ups! Don’t make the mistake of stopping these offers as soon as you get that e mail id. If all you are offering your visitor are endless offers to buy this or that, your list is going to shrink before you know it! An important continuation of your email list building is to provide your clients updated information that is beneficial to them. Ask yourself what the subscribers are looking for and then try to meet those requirements.

If you have offered you subscribers SEO tips, make sure you provide them with those regularly. You can always add a line or two about your products at times!

3. A Complicated Sign up Form
This is one of the greatest hurdles to your successful email list building. If your directions are vague and the process too long drawn-out, most of your visitors will flee the scene before they read the offers! A large chunk of your visitor base may be people who are new to the process. Make life simpler for everyone by providing clear directions and visible signs at every stage.

4. Ignoring the Call for Action
This is the single most common mistake present in most email list building attempts. Think about it this way- if your call for action is not visible immediately and clearly, what is the point of your whole exercise? Just saying ‘’ click here ‘’ or ‘’go there’’ is not enough! The whole process must be gently executed, so that your visitor is not tempted into fleeing at any stage. Offer sweepstakes, prizes or just a simple set of tips- do whatever you can! Just make the whole thing appear advantageous for him!


Avoid these email list building gaffes and get the best out of your online campaign! Discover How to Build an Email List and Create Successful Marketing Campaigns.

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