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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

Sether — intelligent Oracle for social networking or social-media revolution of modernity?

With the popularity of social networking (Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and others) has increased the interest of marketers to these sites as a new source of target audience to promote brands and companies. Very quickly social media marketing — Social Media Marketing (SMM) has become one of the elements of the complex Internet marketing. It is used for attraction to the website visitors (and therefore potential new customers) social networks. But the positioning of these sites and promotion methods have a number of features. To reach a specific system only for manual monitoring of the information posted in social networks. But the emergence of special programs allowed to do it in automatic mode.
With the development of social networks and the integration of company website with communities, there is a need in optimizing a website for attracting visitors from social networks. One of the methods of optimization — Social media optimization (SMO) is aimed at creating more opportunities for the site and its promotion in the network.
The appearance of this term is associated with Rohitas of Bhargava (Rohit Bhargava), when in 2006 he published an article which revealed the principles of the five basic rules of SMO. The concept lies in the fact that the site is not optimize for the search engines, and blogs and communities, so he was referred to in media networks and quoted in blogs to the website had simple mechanisms for sending content to a social network. It is, first and foremost, automated button “I like” or “Share” widgets comments broadcast on “the wall” user and possibly some others. Each of these methods has its pros and cons, features and benefits. But mostly manual monitoring can be applied if the number of references not more than 5 times a day does not require the analysis of data and no budget for monitoring. Automatic monitoring is very wide and allow you to do deep monitoring, data analysis, and generate reports.
“Sether — the first intelligent Oracle for social networking. Existing data, move data between external sources and the blockchain. Sether moves, monitors and analyses data on social networks for the blockchain, automating integration with social networks”
With the growth of these social networks also appeared a lot of targeted advertising technology from companies that want to attract users directly to your virtual house. This is a 100% Romanian project, developed by a team with expertise in the field of artificial intelligence, big data (Big Data) and blockchain. Sether aims in the marketing industry in social networks. Sether analyzes big data in the blockchain for planning different campaigns in different social networks. Companies need data from social platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, LinkedIn to target customers, assess customer loyalty, marketing campaigns and other operations, to make sure they are sending the message directly to the customers interested in their products and services. Sether connect these social networks to retrieve raw data. Is information and provides information to the companies, using artificial intelligence algorithms.
A smart contract will keep track of how often the names of products or manufacturers mentioned in social networks and will allow users to reward users for these campaigns with a token of SETH. Coins SETH is standard tokens ERC-20, which can be used in several purses and shopping platforms.
The use of different tools for social promotion not just allows you to effectively communicate with potential and actual consumers of goods and services, but also solves a number of other equally important tasks: spins the brand, and creates loyalty among the target audience, helps it be distinct from the competition, increases sales, etc. Methods of Sether are more sophisticated and more effective tools than traditional advertising or even SEO promotion. Because information on social networks is spreading at an incredible speed, and there is no more suitable and effective advertisement than the recommendation of friends, acquaintances or recognized in a particular field of experts.
I advise to pay attention on this project now, as it truly deserves attention.
Link to official website: https://www.sether.io/

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