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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

The Founder of TokenGo Mr Anton Bendersky, about the mistakes made and current achievements

Good Afternoon, friends!
It’s been a long time since my first publication, in which I tried to tell you more about the TokenGo platform, its essence and purposes, and which found the warmest response in your hearts. I decided to continue our dialogue with you — and that was it, because in response to the publication we received a lot of feedback, questions and suggestions, many of which pushed our team to interesting reflections on the further development of the platform. This was a very useful experience. Today, again, I want to share my thoughts on the situation that we have encountered, to tell about the mistakes made, their correction and current achievements, i.e. first of all, to transfer their experience, explain the decisions made and, of course, talk about the prospects.

I hope that, like last time, such communication will bring its positive results, and it will be equally useful both for our friendly development team and for the growing TokenGo Community as a whole.

It is worth noting that, at the moment we have the expectedly stable situation of PRE-SALE and continue to move towards the goal — the collection of the planned volume of soft cap, which at the time of publication has already reached an excellent level of 86%.

January 10th, 2018, according to preliminary forecasts, was to be the last day of the PRE-SALE stage, but due to a combination of circumstances, in conjunction with strategic investors of our platform, a decision was made to extend this term. This news went live on our official blog on January 11, 2018, and today I want to talk about why was this necessary and what factors directly or indirectly shifted our initial plans.

Let’s go back a bit. On November 20th, 2017, we announced the launch of the Bounty campaign, and on December 11 the PRE-SALE round of GoPower tokens was launched as the first stage of the platform development.

We consider the launch of the Bounty campaign and PRE-SALE to be very successful, in a matter of hours and days the community and information about it appeared on many of the largest Internet sites. Going into the essence of our proposed developments, people willingly shared them in their blogs and social networks, wrote thoughts on the forums and left comments and questions in the official Telegram channel.

However, now we understand that the Bounty platform campaign already should have been deployed long before the start of PRE-SALE, at least for 1 or 2 months, so that potential investors and future tokens could not only manage to deal with Whitepaper, Personal Cabinet and tasks on their own , bonuses and incentives, but also to share this information with the circle of people with whom they deem it necessary. Our participants did not have time for any triviality. In addition, as usual, December is one of the most popular months for the release of new investment proposals, with each of which a potential investor has to independently understand, collecting information on the Internet and making a hard decision about investing his own funds. The explosive jump in the growth of all the crypto-currencies played their role, which just happened at the first stage of our PRE-SALE and the upcoming New Year holidays, which are somehow popular all over the world — people go on vacation, spend time with their families, not only academic, but also business holidays.

The real boom of publications about the platform, the huge number of queries in the search engines, and hence the volume of the soft cap, came just at the time of the end of the New Year holidays, and coincided with our planned end of PRE-SALE. Looking back, we can say that we underestimated the need for early community launch. We thought that the month would be ample time, and as a result the Bounty campaign was launched two weeks before the start of PRE-SALE. Consequently, we did not have enough time and effort!

The planned volume of the soft cap at a rate of 1000 ETH was initially not rigidly designated in the smart contract by the figure, however, for us this sum is the starting point in our general agreements with strategic investors. I think, based on what is described in White Paper and the Roadmap, everyone understands that this amount of work requires sufficient financial investments and can’t allow unnecessary and hasty decisions. We are determined to bring our project to its completion and are ready for discussions, analysis and possible adjustments that could not be foreseen at the stage of launch preparation.

We understand that various external factors will influence the whole project and its development, such as social activity, fluctuations in the rates of fiat money and crypto-currencies, various legislative regulations in a given country, technological progress, competition and much, much more.

We are ready for this, but we also feel the responsibility to share all the information we have, to the Community. We want to tell in a timely and honest way about all the changes that are made due to the circumstances and mistakes that we identified in the development process. Besides this, of course, we want to rejoice together in the achievements that we have!

The task to collect a soft cap in full put forward by our strategic investors at the current moment is the first starting point in launching all the further stages. Until the soft cap is assembled, we can not fully spend its funds on the development of the TokenGo platform. And we consider this to be absolutely correct requirement, since it is this amount that will allow us to move forward without violating the terms and conditions of work, according to all preliminary calculations and analysis.

In addition, as all of you, of course, know, the rate of ETH has significantly increased recently. I think that the majority of the readers have already familiarized themselves with some forced changes in the amount of incentives in the Bounty campaign, which the current situation in the market for crypto-currencies demanded from us, and which turned out to be unjustifiably overstated in this regard. At the moment, our team of analysts is also engaged in a possible revision of the amounts for ICO, soft cap and hard cap. Furthermore, it is not excluded; the binding of the main amount to the courses of fiat money. The results will be published in the latest upcoming news.

As I said before, we have certain requirements for the collected amounts from the strategic investors we work with, and therefore we believe that further binding to ETH may be wrong, and also due to significant fluctuations in the rates incomprehensible to the participants. The binding in fiat money, on the other hand, will promote the development of the product and the transparency of the investment process.

I would like to emphasize once again that we, first of all, strive to preserve the full trust of the Community and aim at harmonious development, achievement of planned figures and creation of a product announced in White Paper in full and with all the declared capabilities.

Once again I want to thank everyone who has well penetrated the idea of ​​TokenGo in the same way as all of us who have helped to promote the platform in the network and offline as well which is a great help, and we really appreciate the Community of Like-minded People that we already have there with us. This is a huge success for our present and future! Thank you, friends!

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На Golos с March 2018
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