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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

Artist Of The Day - Catherine Gran

In this series I'm featuring artists who were showcased in a large lot of gallery exhibition catalogues and art books we obtained at an auction. Some of these artists are absolutely amazing, but the work of others doesn't appeal so much to me. The wonderful thing about art is there is something for everyone!

Catherine Gran was born in 1966 and the following words have been used to (aptly!) describe her work: bizarre, strange, organic, sensual, quirky, eccentric, hallucinatory, surreal and detailed. Many more examples of her work can be found here: https://za.pinterest.com/pin/494340496573402618/?lp=true

I loved photographing these art catalogues. I find the figures she depicts to be contented and well-fed, yet to me there seems to be a disturbing undercurrent, as if her subjects are perhaps too complacent? I would love to hear your opinion! 


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