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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

Auction Finds - Beautiful Art

I sell art online every week, in various forms, some original, and some reproductions. Below are a few of the pieces I have recently listed.

This little oil painting is without a doubt my favourite! It has such a nostalgic feel.

I sometimes think there must be as many floral paintings as there are flowers!!!

The frame is a big part of the charm with these vintage prints.

I think birds are the second most popular subjects, after flowers, in paintings.

Another beautiful vintage print. You got to love Google's image search...best result...painting!

I found this mixed media artwork interesting, as I could see the canvas used was quite old. Usually I think of mixed media as a more current phenomenon.

A valuable art piece is probably my best chance at striking the big time! Until then, I will enjoy the vast amounts of various art pieces that pass through my hands!


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