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5 лет назад

BARTER : SMARTPLACE - the secret ecosystem of barter trading on blockchain

I think there are many who will agree with me that the market for contemporary relations have been in need of better and more reliable tools of communication. And this need is caused as a matter of course, which is simply extremely necessary for of all business, trade and financial relations.


This is due to the lack in many areas of reliable, highly effective and trusted functions and tools, the action of which is simply unconditionally needed in all areas of our life. To understand what I'm trying to understand you consider a small example in which you will immediately become clear my train of thought. Let's say you are the owner of some large enterprise and you need a buyer to sell your goods. That in principle is logical. So, that your transaction was successful and without any flaws you in addition to the legal contract, which describes all the points of the transaction, who, to whom and how much will have to give in the course of this agreement.

  • It would also seem logical. However, sometimes against the background of the lack of excessive trust and some auxiliary actions you and your buyer may have a divide. Will any of you be deceived?! It is unlikely to find out in advance, so in order not to risk unnecessarily, many companies resort to a trusted company, that is, a third party who will act as a guarantor of your transaction. That for you is quite convenient, but monetary phenomenon. And not always particularly profitable in terms of the financial side of the issue.

And here there is a question how to be and what to do if within the centralized market relations people have no qualitative tools for communication with each other. During which they could not only safely but also confidentially store and transfer their data. Against the background of such reflections, the team of experts came to the conclusion, why not create a platform where all these problems would be solved once and for all. So a new project called Barter was born. 

About the project and its features

As you may have guessed Barter is a decentralized ecosystem that is designed to provide its users with maximum protection of all their transactions. At the same time, observe the authenticity and confidentiality of all personal data and transactions made within the framework of the Blockchain Protocol. In addition to all this, Barter is a Smartplace, in the form of a trading platform where users have the opportunity to publish absolutely any of their Lot for barter. It can easily be some kind of car, a work of art, a real estate object, a vacuum cleaner and much more. In a word, all that you are willing to exchange for the corresponding value of another object or asset.

  • In fact, The barter platform is a well-designed and developed ecosystem, where every action is aimed only at making the user feel not only comfortable with the interface of the system, but also safe. After all, each transaction within the framework of Smartplace will be recorded by a specially designed legal smart contract, where all the conditions of the transaction will be spelled out. And if you do not remember, it is the smart contract that acts as a guarantor in such transactions carried out within the decentralized and unchangeable Blockchain network.


It is important to note that the developed project Barter: Smartplace is designed to qualitatively complement the existing markets of exchange and over-the-counter platforms, introducing its new financial instruments into trade and barter trading. After all, thanks to modern technologies, people finally got a unique opportunity to digitize their real asset, reinforcing it with one or another ryptography token.

  • Moreover, the structure of Smartplace is designed in such a way that within the system users can instantly make their barter transactions without using additional means of payment. It is possible of course only in cases where the selected two lots correspond, in the opinion of their owners, the equivalent value of the lots themselves between both parties. Thus, this exchange will happen as quickly as possible and without any, as I wrote just above, means of payment. The only thing that will remain unchanged is the confidentiality, reliability and security of all transactions. Which unconditionally works within the framework of the structure always!

To me, Barter is just a badly needed platform these days. After all, right now many people are ready to return to this kind of relationship, making them only within the framework of a decentralized world and on better and safer conditions. 


It is possible that many of you in the framework of reading my article there was one very important question, and will the project have its own internal token? And the answer, of course, is Yes! After all, as you remember, absolutely all barter transactions will be accompanied by a specially designed legal smart contract, which will charge a small fee from each participant of the transaction in the form of an internal token of the platform. The amount of these charges will not exceed 0.02% of the amount of their transaction, which will make it immediately the most profitable relative to many existing commissions from other guarantors in the usual centralized market of business relationships. When this amount of interest can reach incredible proportions.

As for the technical side of the issue, the BRTR system itself is developed on the basis of the Ethereum Blockchain and has an ERC-20 basis. Which makes it public and easy to use and beyond the ecosystem. It is also important to note that the issue of coins will be limited and the developers intend to release only 100 million of their coins. Which naturally intends to reduce the volatility of coins, providing it with maximum value.


If you continue your conversation about the project, it will obviously take me more than one hour. Since the platform itself with its capabilities, features and advantages is a truly incredibly powerful structure, which will soon definitely have time to declare itself to the whole world. Therefore, in order not to be verbose and too pathetic in their sayings, I still recommend continuing further acquaintance with the project Barter you already yourself. After all, as they say in Russia, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. Therefore, do not pass by and get acquainted with the new ecosystem in more detail. After all, for this I have prepared all the necessary source of information for you, presented by all the social and official resources of the project.

  • And on this I have perhaps increasingly. I was glad to share with you interesting developments in the world of cryptography and Blockchain technology. I hope you liked my article, so like and subscribe to my channel. All the best and see you again!

The official resources of the project Barter: Smartplace

WEBSITE: http://barter.company
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/barterteam
WHITEPAPER: http://barter.company/pdf/BARTER_WP1.pdf
BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5168408.0
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Barter-smartplace-511253832946819/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/barterteam
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/bartersmartplace
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/Barterteam/
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bartersmartplace/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/bartersmartplace/ 

Username : Ozie94 

Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2103066 

ETH : 0xDa2F65ea0ED1948576694e44b54637ebeCA22576

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