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8 лет назад

Дюрбюи - Тысячелетнее село - Бельгия и ее тысячелетней старые земли - English post

Hi голос!! I will make you discover the region of Durbuy.

In the fourteenth century, Durbuy acquired the status of city. But this city has only 400 inhabitants, making it the smallest city in the world. It still has that status today. During the twentieth there was a merger of the municipalities in Belgium. The region encompasses several villages The commune of Durbuy has more than 11000 residents now.

  • The castle of Durbuy

  • Here is the coat of arms of the city

Source Blason

  • This is a panoramic view of the anticline

View Pano In High Resolution

  • As you can see in the panoramic photo, at the bottom of the anticlinal there is a water point and an esplanade where performances are played during the summer

  • The entrance to the cave under the rock

  • This is l'Ourthe. A river of Belgium which borders the castle of durbuy and which crosses all the Ardenne

  • You will find in Durbuy many very beautiful buildings

  • And beautiful views

  • The mini golf course near the topiary park closed during this season with a view on the anticline.

  • A stop at the restaurant try a new beer

  • A beautiful building in the night this is a gastronomic restaurant

  • Durbuy by night

  • Thanks for watching ^^

In my next post our walk in the woods of durbuy and the discovery of the menhirs. In Wéris a small village of the commune, the richest megalithic field in Belgium stretches for about 8 kilometers long and 300 meters wide. There are dolmens and menhirs.

Большое спасибо

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