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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


It's not a news anymore that blockchain technology has turned around the market productivity of this generation in several ways : making the advert medium more transparent, getting brands to target consumers, degeneralisation, transforming numerous industries by offering lower costs, heightened security and streamlined processes and lots more. it has brought lots of benefits to both businesses and investors in the financial services market. Now Sonicx has adopted this tech to turn around the internet productivity and efficiency.

This situation allows us to use our data for mercenary purposes, such as stealing money from bank cards or accounts, appropriating our intellectual property and distributing it without permission, as obtaining copyright takes a lot of time and money.

Now we are afraid to write some messages, words in social networks and begin to use encrypted and secure messengers like Telegram, which allow you to get rid of many restrictions in the form of censorship, the possibility of blocking posts, articles and you can safely express your personal opinion.

Sonic X was fundamentally set up to give answers for the issue of security, trust, and wastefulness that describe brought together frameworks. It is a venture that goes for making a decentralized installment framework that has an elite and makes it simple for distributed exchanges to be completed. In spite of the fact that the real innovation that powers the Sonic X stage is gotten from Tron, the adaptability, just as the exchange speed of the innovation Sonic X uses are much better.

SonicX is a blockchain platform that is a fork of Tron and which sets the following goals: to solve the issue of trust between businesses and their customers with the help of smart contracts, helping to gradually receive payments and monitor the implementation of the terms of the contract; to create a decentralized high-speed payment system P2P; a new system of tokenization of digital and game content.

SonicX was started as a fork of the Tron blockchain to address the issues of trust, security and efficiency. The project wants to bring the world a high-performance decentralized payment gateway that allows direct P2P transactions, tokenized system for gaming and digital content,frictionless cross border payments and remittance network and most important of all a secure digital ledger. The SonicX team takes the underlying technology from Tron but improves upon its transaction velocity and scalability. SonicX aims to deliver faster performance and better privacy for transactions. We need to implement this because with higher transaction volumes, there is a need for faster transaction processing. SonicX was designed for volume transaction processing in mind in order to scale to mass production levels.

Below are reasons why Sonicx platform is unique :

FASTER TANSACTION RATE: The sonicx platform makes use of the Tron network that has supernodes and the normals nodes; with that supernodes able to create more blocks on the chain while the normal node helps to validate this transactions. The both nodes work hand In hand to create a fast network which is able to process about 5000 transactions per second. It also makes use of l ightning network coupled with optimizes P2P transaction to work in transactions per seconds

SECURITY: Since it makes Use of a decentralized network, meaning it can fully function without a central authority or middleman .This allows direct P2P (Peer To Peer) transactions. It also reduces the risk of data to hacks.

There are low chance of collapse of the chain. The platform has designed several Modifications to enhance block self upgrade

PRIVACY: The plafrom doesn't require any personal information that will be revealed during trustless transactions. SonicX also utilizes more private Tor network to route Internet connections ensuring that user is anonymous.

TRUST: The platform will makes use of a "Smart Contract" which allows user to have the say regarding transaction that doesn't require a middle man. This creates a kind of trust between transacting strangers when it comes to payment.


Application Layer: These are the applications that run on top of the SonicX platform.The code is written in DApp (Distributed Applications), digital wallet or to a smart contract using RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) that reference API that communicate with the other layers.Code execution is performed by the SonicX Virtual Machine (SVM) on nodes throughout the network.

DApp (Distributed Applications): Developers can create their own applications on top of the SonicX platform. Any DApp can interact with SonicX blockchain via lightweight JavaScript library or using gRPC API natively (many supported languages Java, Go, Python, C++, etc.). There will also be support for JiT and Web Assemly for developers.

Wallet: SonicX wallet addresses use Bitcoin’s secp256k1 elliptic curve with ECDSA algorithm for generating key pairs.

The following are the steps involved in SonicX addresses:

  1. First generate a key pair and extract the public key (a 64-byte byte arrayre presenting its x,y coordinates).
  2. Hash the public key using SHA3–256 function and extract the last 20 bytes ofthe result.
  3. Add 3f to the beginning of the byte array. Length of the initial address should be 21 bytes.
  4. Hash the address twice using SHA-256 function and take the first 4 bytes as verification code.
  5. Add the verification code to the end of the initial address and get an address in base 58 check format through base58 encoding.
  6. An encoded mainnet address begins with S and is 34 bytes in length.Please note that the sha3 protocol we adopt is KECCAK-256.Mainnet addresses begin with 3f e.g. ​3fe11973395042ba3c0b52b4cdf4e15ea77818f275.

Smart Contracts
Smart contracts on SonicX are executable code contracts that follow the Ethereum and Tron framework. At the moment, smart contracts written in Solidity are supported. These contain conditions which are a unit of computation on the SonicX network that affects the blockchain when executed. Through an Interoperation Layer, the code is executed across nodes by the SVM. The compiler translates the smartcontract into bytecode readable and executable on the SVM. A virtual machine processes data through opcode, which is equivalent to operating a logic of a stack-based finite state machine. The SVM accesses blockchain data and invokes an External Data Interface through the Interoperation layer.

Core Layer
The Core layer deals with the consensus protocol on the network and a unique Delegated Proof-of-Stake (dPoS) to meet the network’s demands. This is referred to as the SonicX Consensus Mechanism (SXCM). Choosing a dPoS consensus protocol helps on lowering energy consumption, increasing efficiency and transaction speeds. At this layer block sare validated and added to the blockchain. At the CORE layer, node functionality is defined into 4 types of nodes :

1- Light Nodes: Light-weight or Light Nodes Are mobile devices, and they will use blockchain mostly for payments. They connect to the network via Masternodes.

2- Masternodes: These provide special services for which they will be rewarded by the network. The following are the main functions they perform:
To be servers for light nodes providing them access to the blockchain and providing API access to the network.

To vote for network modification, equally to Supernodes.

To support and process micropayments and payment tunnels, protecting themainnet from myriads of small transactions generated by payment services and supporting regular repetitive payments.

To provide and maintain abstract (custom) transactions, allowing to create private networks inside the public one.

To become an additional layer of blockchain consensus — masternodes layer can serve as additional verification layer, running own PoS consensus (similar to FFG technology of Casper project) in parallel with dPoS of Supernodes layer.

During blockchain evolution, new features or some new types of transactions could be added in this layer.

The Masternode activation requires a total of ​72,000 SOX​

3- Supernodes: These will maintain the blockchain producing blocks. Super nodes are chosen from a digital governance election process and maintain the largest hold on SOX tokens. A Supernode requirement is ​ 7,000,000 SOX​. More explanation of Supernodes in ​Chapter IV Consensus


The platform will will provide a wallet that can be created of the official website (link found below the article). User will be provided with a private key unique to the user to unlock the wallet. This prevent just anyone from accessing users tokens.


The SonicX stage has a token. This token is known as SOX probably won't mean much for those that don't have a clue about its value. In any case, those that realize its value can utilize it in evolving monetary standards.

To contact SonicX visit our website:

Whitepaper : https://sonicx.org/whitepaper.html
Ann thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5155835.0
Telegram Community: https://t.me/SonicXCommunity
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SonicX_EN
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SonicXofficial/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/SonicXOfficial
Bountysuite username: psalmyblinks
TRON Wallet : TDn9LXNF2dLcNbV7XeNVkZftCuVZgDcePr

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