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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


The Internet is a fundamentally decentralized system that links billions of interconnected devices to improve communication, access to information, and economic possibilities for billions of people across the globe. Yet despite its distributed nature, giant technology companies have cleverly used the underlying technical protocols to build layers of proprietary applications that capture and control massive amounts of personal data. In today’s economy, data equals money.
Wibson place a lot of significance on user data by taking care of control, security and in particular ensuring that data exchange procedures are transparent. Notwithstanding this reality, Wibson additionally guarantee that users get the appropriate an incentive from their data. Aldo because of the way that Wibson depends on the decentralized blockchain innovation certain issues, for instance, malware strikes, spyware assault which have continue puzzling brought together ecosystems which manages data are completely destroyed. Because of the numerous advantages of control and security offered to customers this has make Wibson such an appealing and entrancing platform. WIBSON will alter on the advancement introduced in blockchain to fill in as a decentrealized marketplace for data exchange between makers of data and it's customers. WIBSON marketplace is planned securely to give data makers anonymousity while pitching data to buyers on the platform adequately in this manner giving data makers full control over their data, where and how they need it to be.

Wibson is a blockchain-based, decentralized data marketplace that provides the infrastructure for individuals to securely and anonymously sell private information that is validated for accuracy. Wibson is built up on a set of core principles: transparency, anonymity, fairness, censorship resistant, and the individual’s ultimate control over the use of their personal information.
WIBSON was created to eradicate the current complexities faced by users of the internet, unknown to them most of these enterprises use the personal information of unsuspected internet users. Data tech companies collect, protect, use & sell data without permission from the owners. WIBSON data network offers infrastructure & monetary rewards for owners to sell their private authenticated data without the risk of making their personal privacy vulnerable.

In WIBSON data market place there are 3 different types of market participants namely:

  1. Data Sellers
  2. Data buyers
  3. Notaries.

1. Data Sellers: Data sellers are individuals who own data and want to sell data for incentives. They can choose to sell personal or private information, and they have full control of their data.

2. Data Buyers: Data buyers are individuals or companies as the case maybe who wants to acquire data and is willing to pay for the data after the data has been verified by the notaries.

3. Notaries: Notaries are in charge of authenticating the data made available by sellers, their job is to validate the data before they can be purchased by buyers. Notaries are also like middlemen between the buyers & sellers who help resolve conflicts that may arise between them.


The WIBSON structure is as follows;

  1. Owner: Can either have no owner, one owner or multiple owners.

  2. Metadata: Can either be encrypted (hidden) or publicly accessible.

  3. Time Stamp: Can either be encrypted (hidden) or publicly accessible.

  4. Data Payload: Any arbitrary JSON structure.


Transparency: With the blockchain innovation, all transactions between makers of data and shoppers are profoundly transparent to the two gatherings and consequently stored on the squares, which can be gotten to by anybody to fill in as a structure reference between the two gatherings before trade initiates.

Valuing Of Data: WIBSON offers a reasonable marketplace where people have full capacity to trade data for store. WIBSON does not in any case have control or access to the cost of data exchange yet its exclusively dependent on the dimension of accessibility of data makers and buyers at each point in time.

Transparency: With the blockchain innovation, all transactions between makers of data and shoppers are profoundly transparent to the two gatherings and consequently stored on the squares, which can be gotten to by anybody to fill in as a structure reference between the two gatherings before trade initiates.

WIB is an acronym of WIBSON TOKEN, it is an ERC-20 complaint token created on the ETHEREUM smart contract. It was created to fuel the WIBSON data market place, and it will be used as the standard mode of payment for services rendered on the marketplace. WIB tokens maybe rewarded to the individuals who uses the WIBSON MOBILE APPLICATIO

This utility token on Ethereum smart contract will help facilitate data exchange on WIBSON network and also provide a great amount of data value on the network. Holders possess certain privileges which include: registration as the storage nodes (this simply means paid fees for storing data or transmitting data) and participation in the data market. Tokens derived from these activities mentioned above will be burned, this will, in turn, reduce the amount of WIB in circulation and it will also help increase the market value of WIB due to token scarcity. The WIB token will help facilitate compensation of data sources and storage nodes and enable a new era of secure and decentralized data storage and exchange

TOTAL SUPPLY 9,000,000,000 WIB





In the Wibson marketplace, citizens, for the first time, will be able to participate in an efficiently functioning, decentralized data marketplace that provides both financial incentives and control over their personal information, all without sacrificing privacy.

For more enquirers visit:

WEBSITE: https://wibson.org/

WHITEPAPER: https://wibson.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Wibson-Technical-Paper-v1.1.pdf

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/WibsonOrg

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/WibsonOrg

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/wibsoncommunity

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/Wibson

INSTAGRAM: https://www.linkedin.com/company/Wibson

BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5098860

Bounty0x Username: psalmyblinks

“A sponsored article written for a bounty reward.”

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