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6 лет назад

Skelpy System

The Blockchain technology is currently a big concern for technology developers in the world. The technology that emerged and experienced rapid development in the past 10 years was generally used in digital currency exchange systems. Digital money is now becoming a trend in the world of business and investment. This digital currency is widely used and applied by business companies as well as exchange goods by individuals. The community is now increasingly facilitated in terms of transacting product purchases because of this technology. Not infrequently they make transactions in large numbers and without thinking about distance limitations. People in the modern era are free to shop for whatever products they want, ranging from personal needs, daily necessities, as well as those related to business. The transaction process that from time to time continues to experience major changes is undoubtedly one of the forms of influence provided by blockchain technology.

How is this any better than proof of work you may ask?
One of the major arguments against Bitcoin and block chain in general is that the process of mining is very wasteful and uses a lot of energy just for the sake of keeping the system up and running. The more competition this breeds, the more wasteful the energy expenditure. Using a DPoS system on the other hand, does not consume all that much energy. The only energy expenditures to keep the system up and running are the 51 nodes (in Skelpy’s case) that require to be on. Each delegate is allocated a time slot to verify and secure the network.

At first glance, proof of work might seem decentralized, but the way it is now adays, the system is very much like DPoS where only a couple of big mining pools hold the total majority of hashing power. Since Bitcoin difficulty has increase so much that it will take a couple of million years for a solo computer to find a new block, people have resorted to joing mining pools in the hopes that they can get a share of the bounty. This in fact is a form of centralization. By using DPoS, everyone; no matter how seemingly small, has at least a voice that they can use in the form of voting.

In this system, delegates are placed all over the world with the task of keeping a node or server online, according to the location of the blockchain users. This delegation will validate transactions originating from the user’s wallet and keep the network active during the transaction process. This software makes it possible to maintain a decentralized network, validate transactions, and issue new coins in circulation and reward all delegates involved in maintaining this network.

Skelpy provides facilities in the form of certification of wallet users who join their platform. This allows the use of un-certified wallets in the blockchain system. This wallet certification provides the benefits of the best security and service for every user on this platform. Basically, certified wallets are safer than non-certified ones. This can reduce additional functions and services offered. Certified wallets can help users clearly recognize the system as a wallet owner, giving the impression that the process is carried out transparently between 2 users and the security offered is no doubt.

Skelpy System
SkelpySystem is also a decentralized platform that enables to certify and acknowledge the wallets inside the Skelpy circle.

Through this methodology it's going to be potential to acknowledge the themes involved inside the transactions on the premise of the number of authority allowed by the wallets householders.

The notecases is also recognized at the discretion of the rightful owner that decides the visibility of his own case.

To recognize a case is crucial exploit a recognition request to the subject in question, except the “Public” level of visibility that does not need a recognition request.

The visibility levels ar divided in:

• Public

• Private

• Solo

Public visibility A pocketbook with a “Public” visibility level ar usually seen from all of the users registered at the SkelpySystem platform, with none need of recognition.

Private Visibility A pocketbook with a “Private” level of visibility ar usually seen only from the licenced users once the acceptance of the recognition request sent from the human to the rightful owner.

“Solo” visibility A pocketbook with a “Solo” level of visibility is totally completely different from the private visibility as a result of it can’t receive recognition requests, but only send them to pocketbook with personal visibility.

Each subject being a section of the SkelpySystem platform ought to respect the laws that regulate it and certify his/her identity through the laws of his/her home country and thus the KYC tool.

In case of offences, breach of the law or actions that violate the national and international laws, SkelpySystem does not take any responsibility for facts occurred through its network.

SkelpySystem will depend on the market all the documents needed to the requesting institutes, thus on not impede the investigation of hot acts.

How It Works?

In fact, this system connects one or more blockchain users and builds a star similar to a chain. The things connected here are blocks (blocks) in large numbers. Block is a term that refers to where all legitimate transaction data is made from the user to the manufacturer or party selling the product. The blockchain system is efficient and reliable in terms of data storage performance. In addition, this blockchain is opened so that the processes that occur may be known to all users who are members of the same blockchain system. Transactions using blockchain technology allow users who do not need bank approval. This transaction is through a network system and stored on the blockchain as a chip. The process of signature is proved digitally and the identity of the transaction is public.

You can Download, Link Below:
Skelpy Desktop Wallet
Skelpy Web Wallet
Skelpy Client 1.0


For more information you can visit here :

website : https://www.skelpy.co
Twitter : https://twitter.com/skelpycoin
Telegram : https://t.me/SkelpyCoin
Instagram : https://instagram.com/skelpycoin
Forum : https://forum.skelpy.co/
Medium : https://medium.com/@skelpycoin
Whitepaper : https://www.skelpy.co/pdf/whitepaper/Skelpy_whitepaper_en.pdf

Anita Sehr
Profil Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2253966
ETH: 0xc8a9952dEc2a392fa15455F565849d2D2827BD67

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