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5 лет назад

First marks on paper

"Betrothal of the Virgins" 2009, ink on paper, 25 x 20 inches by RACC artist Dmitry Borshch

Sheepshead Review, University of Wisconsin – Green Bay's journal of the arts, interviews Dmitry Borshch:

What jobs have you done other than being an artist?

I was a student – at universities, never art schools – then became a self-taught printmaker, draughtsman, sculptor. No other jobs.

What work do you most enjoy doing?

First marks, which establish the structure of the image, are thrilling! And last ones; they give relative completeness to that image. It will never be complete, but may become acceptably so to warrant exhibition.

Name three artists you’d like to be compared to.

I admire certain drawings of Michelangelo, Dürer, and Leonardo, but no contemporary artist should be compared to them. Among contemporaries, I find Semyon Faibisovich, Boris Mikhailov, Chuck Close admirable. Not being a photographer or photorealist, I doubt anyone would compare me to them. It would be pleasing if someone did.

What’s your favorite art work?

No favorites. I return to many works for reasons that continually change.

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