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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Watercolour painting of a beautiful landscape.

Dear friends good evening this is Rghao Singh from India and I am going to share with all of you my latest water colour painting and this will bring some calmness and happiness as natural beauty is very famous for it’s heart warming reactions and friends whenever you feel sad just go near to the Mother Nature and you will find yourself calm and easy. Natural phenomena always filled my eyes with something different and this is one of my beautiful expression of love towards mother natue.


This is my water colour painting and here below I am Sharing the complete making process of this wonderful phenomena and I am eagerly waiting for your kind reply, friends during making this beautiful painting I used water colour.

Let’s start with the pencil sketching of the landscape and try to make the outline very clear light and closer to your desired phenomena it means the painting should be very closely depend on this sketch so keep extra attention while making the first step of painting.with HB pencil I drawn the first step.


First of all I wash my cartridge sheet before starting colouring it because due to wetness the sheet will hold the colour tightly and beautifully. So it’s the time to slowly start the colour of the landscape but keep in minduse light colour and very delicate hand.


Give it some time to get little bit ready to keep the colours on track as it’s the time to start giving it the primary look of the landscape as per the reference image.


Now it’s the time to use dark colours to fulfill the colours in desired places so its can be completely achieve the shape and look of the drawing. So friends it’s the complete process I used during making oof this wonderful phenomena and I hope you will enjoy my artwork and its making process.


Friends never forget to add your beautiful comments hee below in comment section.

Thank you.


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