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5 лет назад

Airsave Travel - Initial Exchange Offering (IEO)

What is Airsave Travel?
Travel is a necessity for everyone. To achieve this, everyone keeps a periodic deposit of money. Why did it happen? because the cost of travel is huge. Based on this, there is now a new platform that will offer satisfaction for your trip, this platform called AIRSAVE TRAVEL. This platform was established from 2015 which focuses on helping people save money on trips, through Airsave Travel Coin (ASTC). This platform has partnered with a travel company called Smart Trip Platform, to find out the collaboration visit the https://smarttripplatform.io/ link

You need to remember, Airsave Travel is based on Blockchain technology. Through this technology Airsave Travel will transform this problematic and isolated struggle into a collaborative and collaborative effort that allows users to refer friends and earn money per referral, in addition to other benefits provided by the platform. The platform itself uses a clear strategy to generate revenue, and because of the basic blockchain, the rules are set and free from human intervention. In addition, the Blockchain-Ethereum network is used to create and develop ASTC tokens and community token based applications that are supported by unique features and are very beneficial to users. You can download the Airsave Travel application on the App Store ( http://apple.co/2v76ZPM )

Initial Exchange Offering (IEO)
Airsave Travel implements the IEO as a means for publishing ASTC tokens and at the same time for platform development fundraising. The Initial Exchange Offer has been agreed to be launched on May 1, 2019 and will run for 90 days until July 31, 2019. There are a total of 35M Airsave Travel tokens in circulation, 22 million of which will be available during the sale of tokens for purchase at the ExMarkets LaunchPad. To make the transaction sweeter for the initial investor, the first 2,000,000 ASTC tokens will be offered at a selling price of 0.3 US $. Following are the stages of selling Airsave Travel tokens:

  1. 2,000,000 ASTC for 0.3 per token;
  2. ASTC 10,000,000 for 0.4 per token;
  3. 10,000 ASTC for 0.5 per token;
    For contributions visit https://exmarkets.com/launchpad, ASTC is a token that runs on the Ethereum network with the ERC20 standard. Investors participating in private and public sales will receive ASTC in return for their ETH contributions. During the contribution, the smart contract automatically exchanges tokens and sends ASTC to the ETH address provided by the investor.
    Airsave Travel official channel
    Website = http://www.airsavetravel.com/
    IEO = https://exmarkets.com/launchpad
    Bitcointalk = https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4949911.0
    Twitter = https://twitter.com/airsave_travel
    Telegram = https://t.me/joinchat/FZXBqw6RJG2DBYrs6Mq0oQ
    Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/AirsaveTravel/

Authorship: ramzit / Bitcointalk

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