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5 лет назад

[BILCRYPT] Benefits Of The Blockchain Representation (BR)

The development of Blockchain technology is extraordinary, many platforms have used this technology to operate their businesses. One of the platforms that uses this technology is BILLCRYPT, a decentralized global platform that uses Blockchain technology with a Blockchain Representation (BR) system so that the benefits of Blockchain become multifunctional that can be used by companies, professional communities, specialists and products.

Blockchain Representation is its own software package from a decentralized application (DApp) on the BILLCRYPT platform, implemented in the usual form for BR owners based on the cabinet principle on the site, where the owner carries out all actions and arrangements. Specifically, users can use BR to create decentralized applications (DApp) on the blockchain, and platforms that use BR will create a comfortable platform environment with a comfortable interface that will enable everyone to effectively develop their business integrated into the system through the Blockchain Representation themselves.

Here are some benefits from the Blockchain Representation on the platform:

  1. To carry out the necessary activities related to the blockchain.
  2. Create your own Blockchain Representation.
  3. Select the BR properties and functions needed to gather representative information about your business or product.
  4. Select the information flow that will form the ViP.
  5. Create a BR group for various products, services, and lines of business, summarize representative information about each on the main ViP page (virtual image page).
  6. Choose whether joint ViPs should be formed or separate for each product, service, line of business of one business, or both types of ViP at the same time.
  7. Select the BR properties and functions needed to gather representative information about your business or product.
  8. Select the information flow that will form the ViP.
  9. Create a BR group for various products, services, and business lines, summarize representative information about each on the main VIP page (virtual image page).
  10. Choose whether ViP together must be formed or separate ViP for each product, service, business line from one business, or both types of ViP at the same time.
  11. Monetize ViP
  12. Token your business.
  13. Create digital assets.
  14. Create additional financial flows for your business.
  15. Advertise your business.
  16. Attract funding.
  17. Crowdsales of all types.
  18. To carry out a new intra-platform view of crowdsale - IVO (Initial ViP Offer).
  19. Get an extensive ready-to-use investor base that continues to grow.
  20. Find partners and investors, customers and interact with them.
  21. Promoting one another economically, reaping many benefits from this because of the synergy effect.
  22. Make and maintain registers that are safe and reliable (production, storage, transportation, etc.)

Benefits of the Blockchain Representation for Investors

  • Receive reliable information about the project and the company, about the state of their business.
  • Make more accurate investment decisions.
  • Participate in crowdsales conducted using platforms with special requirements.
  • Participate in closed rounds.

Blockchain Representation gives participants ready-made solutions and integration resources:

  • Infrastructure and technology to create and manage virtual Blockchain Representations.
  • Ready-made investment management solutions.
  • Developers can create their own DApp and connect it to the platform, to receive gifts from BR owners.

The lack of banking regulations and compliance in terms of investment through the Platform have the potential to allow BR owners to raise funds more cheaply and not be burdened with excessive administration, and this reduces costs and increases profitability.

Blockchain Representation is a new innovation from BILLCRYPT. To utilize the BR function, users must use BILLCRYPT digital assets with the symbol BILC, these are valuable digital assets that are protected by the Smart Contract code of the ERC20 Standard Issued on the Ethereum platform. One-time emissions and limited to the amount of 152 000 000 BILC. BILC tokens are being sold at the ITO (Initial Token Offering) stage on the BILLCRYPT website: https://www.billcrypt.io/. For sales details below.

For information updates, you can visit the link below.
Website = https://www.billcrypt.io/
Twitter = https://twitter.com/BILLCRYPT1
Telegram = https://t.me/BILLCRYPTnews
Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/groups/BILLCRYPT/
Bitciontalk = https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5156161.msg51525320#msg51525320

Created by: ramzitsingh [Bitcointalk]

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