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5 лет назад

[Global Property Register] Future platform of the property industry

About Global Property Registration
The Global Property Register - is a property industry platform that will register land throughout the world. This platform utilizes innovations and current apparatus, which exclusively improve every property it causes, but also buy it within a framework that is enhanced through XRX tokens.
That is, to place it in basic words, the Global Property Register is another type of old arrangement of land advertisements. The Global Property Register cannot exclusively survey land, but also controls all summaries of important reports, valid declarations and various references on the authoritative dimension, so as to ensure the most extreme candor in all phases of exchange, such as issuing with different bureaucratic costs.

Benefits of Global Property Registration
The proximity of the blockchain system will allow you to simultaneously control a number of amazing records and records, while providing all important administrative, administrative and legal structures with quick access to all important reports and reports. Also, the blockchain will add to the reduction in additional budgetary costs, which have recently consumed a large portion of the landowner's capital. Another preferred perspective of the Global Property Register is the scope of the land, because this project has the opportunity to make far and wide, without limiting itself to the periphery of a country.
Meanwhile, to speed up the procedure of all activities will help inherent Artificial insights, which will not only reduce the season all to be the same, but also equip the client with all important information for the shortest possible time. Another important detail of the Global Property Register is the protection of land objects both from disaster events and from other guaranteed events. It is not a vital component that can be certified for all fields.
Likewise, the master group will provide the best and reliable items for land advertising depending on the blockchain, to be more specific:

IEO - Global Property Register
Peaceful work within the framework will be completed with an inner token - XRX, with which clients will be able not exclusively to buy some land, but additional to pay additional administration to register their property and much more. The token itself is based on the blockchain Ethereum and meets the ERC20 guidelines.
Overall, for the improvement of the project, the designers will issue 5 billion coins with a base estimate of $ 0.005 US per 1XX. As a component of its IEO, the group intends to collect Hard Cap for US $ 25 million. This amount should be enough to run your entire model completely and start using it faster than later.
The IEO is being published at the https://exmarkets.com/page/xrx-ieo link

For more information:
Website: https://globalpropertyregister.io/
Whitepaper: https://globalpropertyregister.io/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/revised-wp2.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2197740737180635/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GlobalRegister
Medium: https://medium.com/@globalpropertyregister
Telegram: https://t.me/globalpropertyregister

Author Info:
RAMZITSINGH / Bitcointalk

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