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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

REVIEW - Vanta Platform

What is VANTA?
VANTA is a platform based on Blockchain technology. Vanta is a decentralized network using the ARKAS Protocol which will ensure real-time, safe and personal connectivity. Vanta offers a breakthrough in decentralized P2P networks, which will build smooth channels across all nodes. Through the Vanta network, efficiency and cost reduction will be realized, because this platform uses the KANUS Chain that adopts Proof of Networking, a radical consensus algorithm that combines intelligent nodes and engages itself with Verfable Random Function (VRF) and PBFT.

Why use VANTA?
Personal, both private and government organizations can use the Vanta network. Because: this network uses the ARKAS protocol, Chain Kanus and PoN-VRBFT which are very useful for the development of internet networks.

  1. ARKAS Protocol. Through this protocol, it will build a decentralized new network infrastructure that connects devices and people across space and time. Based on this, the Vanta network will have strong scalability, reliability, efficiency and privacy of real-time communication by creating a competitive system based on computing power, network bandwidth, memory, reliability, and contribution of all participating devices.
  2. The KANUS chain. Through this chain, Vanta's network will increase the scalability, efficiency and reliability of decentralized infrastructure. These things happen, because the KANUS Chain adopts Proof of Networking (PoN), which consists of smart nodes that develop themselves along with Verifiedable Random Function (VRF) and Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT)
  3. PoN-VRBFT. this is a competition-based consensus algorithm, called Proof of Networking, which increases the efficiency of real-time communication on Vanta networks.

Benefits of using the VANTA network
The Vanta network is very useful for the development of the Internet network. The Vanta Team will provide support and incubate the dApp project that uses the VANTA Network for real-time communication. This platform forms alliances with academic institutions and research laboratories, so Vanta builds the foundation of trust from the non-blockchain industry sector. The following are the benefits of the Vanta network:

  1. Application. Individuals and companies can develop real-time communication, collaboration, games, low-cost broadcast applications using the VANTA Network without setting up backend infrastructure.
  2. Communication. by using the Vanta network, individuals or organizations can communicate for Vanta delivery, ordering, and network services as collaboration tools such as calls, data sharing, so that real-time connectivity and privacy are maintained.
  3. Streaming. The Vanta network is also great for streaming services, including online courses, user-created video content, sports and game broadcasts, and VOD (video on demand) services such as movies, entertainment and music.
  4. Game. The Vanta network supports multi-user games, so users can still share data, communicate, and connect between users in real-time.

Token Selling Period
To support and develop platforms, Vanta has created a community token. This token is very useful for community participants to get all services from the Vanta network. Vanta Token platform Ethereum with ERC-20 standard. The platform has supplied 56.2 billion Vanta tokens. The token is allocated 35% for sales, 10% of tokens will be given to teams who are core contributors to Vanta Network. Most parts of the budget will be dedicated to development for further optimization of performance and development of functions. The token allocation diagram as follows:

For the sales period, the Vanta platform has allocated 35% or 19,670,000,000 Vanta tokens. The details of selling tokens are as follows:

  1. Token symbol: VNT
  2. Platform Ethereum ERC-20
  3. 35% of tokens will be sold. Unsold tokens will be burned.
  4. Each VNT token is charged $ 0,00088 USD
  5. Minimum contribution amount: 1 ETH
  6. Hardcap is $ 15 million USD.
  7. For contributions visit www.vanta.network
  8. VNT tokens will be distributed after public sales.
    Sales tokens are ongoing, as soon as you contribute because of the limited number of tokens. Detailed information is in the Vanta rummy channel.
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