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6 лет назад

[Solution] Library Files.Fm

The Blockchain comes from the creative ideas of human children. This is a technology that is phenomenal, this technology can be applied in various types of businesses that facilitate the operation of the business, especially in the technology sector of the company. One platform that uses this technology is FILES. FM LIBRARY

The Files.Fm Library (FFL), a file library platform that combines technology and best practices from a centralized and decentralized world. Through this platform, all problems in file storage can be resolved so that users can easily search, access, and share useful content online with the right copyright.

According to this platform there are four main problems in file storage. These problems apply to existing content and to new content that is created in the future, as well as to popular and specific, original content. These problems are:

  • The capabilities of existing platforms are limited, including: storage, traffic, functions, and usability
  • Alternative non-competitive law for sharing illegal files
  • Preservation of inadequate data for future generations
  • Limited use of free file sharing.

Solution from Files.Fm
The Files.Fm platform mission is to build and support Files.fm Library (FFL) to ensure data preservation for future generations, to eradicate illegal file sharing and to provide a convenient and searchable file sharing platform that is free and searchable. Based on this mission, Files.Fm has several solutions according to the above problems, including:

  1. Sharing Illegal Files. The FFL will seriously focus on legal issues in file sharing. This platform will implement technology to control illegal content and work with content creators. The FFL will use various technologies and techniques for content control, for example: Artificial intelligence and community involvement. The FFL will follow and comply with the law on publishing content about creators and content owners. We will designate the FFL as a legal library in the EU, US and other regions of the world and will follow relevant laws.
  2. Preservation of Adequate Data. One of the most important theories about the life cycle of data describes it using these steps: creating, processing, analyzing, preserving, giving access to and reusing data. FFL requires users to upload the data they make, but the platform and volunteers will take the next steps. this is according to the main mission of the platform to preserve digitally created files for future generations.
  3. Unblocked and Unlimited File Sharing. The Files.fm Library will be free to use a decentralized hybrid P2P data platform, built and managed through Files.fm and community collective efforts, based on shared traffic, storage, direct micro payments and token incentives.
  4. Fog Computing. Platform Files.fm implements a hybrid semi-decentralized hybrid computing network from browsers and features to provide high download and upload speeds, as well as security and failure-safes against file loss. Using a centralized server and a decentralized P2P network node ensures that files will be accessible even if the server is down or the file does not have a server.

Apart from these solutions, the Files.Fm platform offers community tokens aimed at crowdfunding and these tokens are the main tool in the community. Individuals or organizations can join the Files.Fm, how to go through www.files.fm.com and purchase FFM tokens. For the latest information and sales of tokens, users can visit the official Files.Fm channel.

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Authorsip : ramzitsingh | Bitcointalk

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