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5 лет назад

Soraix Equity Token And Crypto Currency Exchange Platform


Hello dear readers, it is my delight to bring to your way this important information just as it is my usual practice. I would like you to relax and read through this tips of but enriching information with great benefits and awesome. Friends, it’s all about Soraix Equity Token And Crypto Currency Exchange Platform , Take your time to read through the detail below.


While the adjustment of digital forms of money has been met with blended supposition, the innovation whereupon they work (the blockchain) sees couple of spoilers. Blockchain innovation gives as much guarantee to unravel numerous difficulties confronting us today. Blockchain innovation stays in it’s earliest stages. The computerized resource economy overall, keeps on encountering exponential year-to-year development and adjustment, showing no indications of faltering. Blockchain innovation is ready to be among the most looked for after transformative headways for countries in 2019.

An trade can be digital currency a physical business or a carefully online business. As a physical business, it trades customary installment strategies and advanced monetary forms. As an online business, it trades electronically moved cash and advanced monetary forms. Frequently, the advanced cash trades work outside the Western nations to maintain a strategic distance from guideline and arraignment. In any case, they do deal with Western fiat monetary forms and keep up ledgers in a few nations to encourage stores in different national monetary standards.

The fast advancement of crypto related innovation, extraordinarily outpaces the capacity of the vast majority to comprehend this new wonder. The hole between crypto innovation and the open’s comprehension of these frameworks keeps on developing at an exponential rate. The more prominent the hole, the more uncertain it is the open will completely grasp the innovation. This is the essential obstruction to more extensive adjustment confronting blockchain innovation, one that Soraix plans to address by means of our stage.

Soraix, a Swiss-based trade, means to move open impression of cryptographic forms of money and advanced resource exchanging an obviously positive bearing. Notwithstanding offering our clients a second era computerized resource exchange stage, we will likewise offer organizations the capacity to raise capital by issuing Equity Tokens on our stage.

As adjustment of blockchain and digital forms of money keeps on developing, a few components of the foundation are starting to show splits: in particular, the speed with which exchanges are enrolled on the blockchain. Soraix will offer organizations of all size, the remarkable capacity to raise capital by empowering them to issue their own advanced Equity Tokens on our trade. For a considerable length of time, the obstruction to raise capital has been difficult for generally organizations. Just a little division of the top organizations have adequate assets to raise reserves by means of an IPO

Value Token Offerings, are the following gigantic shake-up of the deep rooted budgetary industry, empowering organizations with restricted access to capital, to offer retail speculators the chance to take an interest in a market recently saved for a small amount of financial specialists and organizations alike.

Our central goal is to profoundly change customary stock trades by tokenizing the trading of advantages by means of blockchain innovation. In doing as such, we are resolved to move open impression of advanced resources a positive way, bringing about more extensive adjustment and dependability in the business. The Soraix group comprises of a gathering of experienced individuals related with DLT innovation who in the past have effectively executed activities that have made progress in the field of Blockchain and the advertising of digital forms of money.

We will offer privately owned businesses the capacity to raise assets by empowering them to issue Equity Tokens on our Swiss advanced trade stage. Our clients will almost certainly buy these Equity Tokens, empowering the issuing organization to raise capital without the restrictive costs related with an IPO. These Equity Tokens will at that point be exchanged on our trade against other Equity Tokens, cryptographic forms of money, and different computerized resources, just as fiat monetary standards.

In light of a legitimate concern for guaranteeing a straightforward and safe commercial center for our clients, organizations wishing to lock in an ETO (Equity Token Offering) on our stage will experience a thorough checking process, notwithstanding being required to pursue an exacting Swiss legitimate structure, before their qualification to be recorded on our trade will be resolved.

We envision the acquiring intensity of the SRX Token as a way to partake in our income will enormously upgrade its intrigue to our client base, and guarantee it’s steady development as an advanced resource of noteworthy incentive to financial specialists. It is our aim to remunerate the individuals who put resources into our token by empowering them to partake in the income each new ETO propelled on our stage produces for Soraix and SRX Token holders.

Token Information

  • Token Name : SRX Token
  • Platform Token : Ethereum
  • Token Type : ERC20
  • Price ICO : 0.0239 USD
  • Tokens Sale : 600,000,000
  • Min. investment : 0.00025 ETH
  • Accepting Payment : BTC, BTC Cash, ETH, Dash, Ripple, Monero, LTC
  • Distributed ICO : 60%
  • Soft cap : 4,500,000 USD
  • Hard cap : 24,000,000 USD


  • 26.08.2019 to 09.09.2019 : 10%
  • 09.09.2019 to 23.09.2019 : 5%



Bitcointalk Username: Ris88
Bitcointalk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=742331
Telegram Username: @Ris88
ETH Wallet Address: 0x2CF4F93348116B2Ce67Ecb7A9eA57E10Bf0f81A2

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