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С уважением, команда “Голос”
8 лет назад

I have sent a support request to the Bittrex asking about the the wallet maintenance

Отправил запрос на Bittrex по поводу замороженных кошельков GBG и Golos

03 Марта 2017Интересно, что ответят?30 second exposure

I go to the bittrex exchange thinking to see my accounts there.
I notice that the GBG and Golos accounts are in maintenance 3 days ago
so I say I will check it this evening well it is still in maintenance.

I have sent a support request so far an auto reply.

So if you have a bittrex account with GBG and Golos coins please take a look if you are stuck in maintenance.

To friends, yeah I know this is the same problem about the Golos coin wallet on Kina and Livecoin, but Bittrex is a huge exchange, why so long time?

This is not spreading FUD about bittrex, but an effort to see WTF is happening. Basically is this going to be after the hardfork, but when will be finished?.

The funds are here.
but no withdraws here.

So if you are with bittrex please check your accounts

Guys, I suggest you the easy service you can check your Golos account's grow up

0.056 GOLOS
На Golos с December 2016
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