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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


CoinCasso is a multifunctional, multi-layered structure and mixture trade that consolidates the upsides of concentrated and decentralized trades. The CoinCasso adventure is a comprehensive and reasonable course of action made for people. Our view is totally unique since we need the network to probably choose and impact the advancement of our trade and the whole business. That is the reason we offer our clients the chance to wind up co-proprietors of the CoinCasso venture. We will likely make a trade that does not copy the missteps of different trades and will follow up based on what the network needs. We need to offer a progressively straightforward item, open to new tasks in the blockchain business, we need to build up the market comprehensively. We compensate CoinCasso clients for the moves made so as to build up our venture and the whole business.

The team:

CoinCasso Exchange:

CoinCasso is a multifunctional, multi-layered structure and cross breed trade that joins the benefits of concentrated and decentralized trades. As the first available, we give budgetary advantages to dynamic clients. CoinCasso gives clients vote based chances to include their coins and individual tokens. It assists with advancing both individual and corporate tokens. The objective is to make, most importantly, a half breed trade, a still incorporated trade, which is the focal unit that oversees and builds up the whole task, however one that enables clients to choose which tokens and which coins will show up on the trade and what administrations will be advertised.

The stage offers a quick and secure answer for trading and exchanging digital forms of money and FIAT cash. We have given numerous security includes that enable you to utilize the site securely. In the meantime, we gave keeping up the measures of quick and simple administration. Be that as it may, we should likewise conform to the norms and necessities of areas in which we serve our customers. Because of controls, a few limitations apply to territories or nations and administrations may not be accessible there. Data on KYC, AML directions will be accessible on our accomplice's site.
The enrollment itself requires an email, secret word, and cell phone number for beginning confirmation of the procedure. Every customer should experience a personality check process that will enable him to expand withdrawal constrains just as will empower us to guarantee the wellbeing and methodology required by law. Our help will work 24 hours per day and will audit every related issue on a continuous premise. We are additionally thinking about presenting a record confirmation process from Trulioo and Jumio. At that point, after confirmation, the client will probably make a devoted record or exchange to our FIAT account. Stores in cryptographic forms of money are consequently endorsed by our framework, while stores from FIAT rely upon the administration or bank by means of which the customer will furnish us with a record. Now and again, the security office, in the event that you speculate a glitch or just in an irregular choice may request another confirmation - everything for wellbeing.

Platform Featured Products:

Mobile Wallet App

Diversion evolving application, completely incorporated with our trade stage and our ATM Network, taking a shot at all mainstream cell phones. The main portable application with a virtual card work, later on, will take into consideration fast exchanges among vendors and clients, utilizing assets accessible on wallets, without the need to physically trade the digital currency. It likewise takes into consideration fast FIAT money exchanges between CoinCasso clients just as the move of assets in crypto to the whole world outside the network.

ATM Network

Pioneer global ATM arrange, accessible to enrolled clients of the stage, which will give the likelihood of installment, withdrawals just as a trade of neighborhood money and cryptographic forms of money. Full combination with our trade will encourage the activity like a flash, even without the need to utilize a bank. Low charge for the exchange.

Acceptable tokens:

The stage empowers and backings the direct of Trusted ICO. We help organizations needing to carry tokens into the world with deals. CoinCasso ensures ICO control of the organization, acquiring tokens and auditing brilliant contracts to meet ICO conditions. After a fruitful crusade, the tokens go to the trade for offering. All new coin records outside the underlying ones require extra assessment. CCX holders will have the directly to cast a ballot and choose which of the arranged tokens they need. Coins of a totally new venture or less known in worldwide markets will be included interest in any case in sets to CCX. In the event that you or your venture is based or a token or coin and you have an issue putting it available, this is another motivation behind why you ought to get a CCX.

Use Of Funds.
The proceeds from the token sale will fund the services and products launch,continued platform development and user acquisition:

CCX Token information:

Platform: ERC-20 (Ethereum)
Max-supply: 100.000.000

CCX tokens work also as tokens on different trades however they have extra an incentive for the clients of the trade. Proprietors of the tokens can take part in the organization, lessen the exchange expenses and give the token holders the directly to get a piece of the benefit made by the organization. CCX tokens are executed dependent on the most well known and progressed ERC20 convention. The base for the tokens is the Ethereum blockchain with is moderately quick contrasted with options. Because of that innovation we can execute the token for every one of the installments procedures and the majority of our locales without constraints. The fundamental objective of the token will be to give the likelihood to openly exchange and trade tokens between clients, our administrations and exchanges among brokers and different instruments.


Homepage: https://coincasso.io
Whitepaper: https://coincasso.io/ENGLISH_CoinCasso_official_PLV1.pdf?v1.1

Links to social networks:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccxtoken/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CoinCasso
Reddit: https://www.linkedin.com/company/coincasso/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/coincasso/
Telegram: https://t.me/ccxofficial

Bounty0x username: rosopond

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