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6 лет назад

Explore Morocco: Al Hoceima


Al Hoceima is a coastal Moroccan town surrounded by mountainous terrain and situated in the middle of the Moroccan Mediterranean coastline. Is one of the most important cities of the Greater Rif region, the administrative capital of Al Hoceima province. The urban population of Al Hoceima was 56,716 in the 2004 census and 399,654 in the calculation of the surrounding urban centers. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, the city has been growing rapidly and rapidly expanding into a large metropolis that extends to other urban areas such as Buayach and Emzorn.
Although one of the most important military centers in the history of rural warfare, Al Hoceima was one of the most important military centers in the history of rural warfare. It was one of the cities of Agadir, the capital of the Rural Republic (1921-1926) Led by Mohammed bin Abdul-Karim Al-Khatabi on the Spanish colonizer. In its contemporary history, the city, like the rest of the north of Morocco, suffered from economic and social marginalization by the Moroccan state, making it a permanent political protest center (the 1958-59 and the 1984 uprising). Since the beginning of the third millennium, especially after the 2004 earthquake, the city has known a series of economic and social damage through a range of economic projects and the development of infrastructure


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