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7 лет назад

[Video Blog #146] - Repux - Decentralised Data Revenue Streams & Marketplaces

Oh I get it, people value their privacy right?

I do hear a lot of people diminish the crypto space due to the conspiracy of the NWO and the all seeing eye and how all this will lead to a police and nanny state.

That is highly possible, I am mindful of it too, however technology and human tenacity doesn't just go away.

I am big on duality, the good and the bad, and I also believe that we manifest the futures we want via collective consciousness.

Hence why I focus on the values and ideals that align with my thinking and desires for a better world.

That is why I am researching into decentralised, consensual, and encrypted data revenue streams that will allow me to leverage and control my own information.

I want full autonomy and at the moment all my information is being broadcast and skimmed by multinationals and on-sold for big bucks.

Bucks I don't get to see.

Information I don't control.

Google, Youtube, Facebook and all the multimedia and social media sites are prime data skimming resources.

They take us for granted and we are used to line their back pockets.

Repux and others like it are creating protocols that bring control of your data back to the individual and/or small to medium business (SME).

In the future I believe we will be leading our lives from central hubs with inbuilt protocols like Repux.

Encrypted hubs that allow us full control of our data.

Will Repux provide us with this control?

If I can make a passive income based on a criteria of information that I consensually on-sell then that is a good thing yes?

Passive incomes and residual streams of cashflow are what makes big difference to your standard of life in a modern capitalist world.

What do you think of this one?





Let me know what you think of this concept.

I like it.

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~ Sebastian

Please NOTE: All videos and articles are not financial advice. These are 100% personal commentaries and opinions.


SOURCES: All words in my post are my own including rights to all images and music where relevant. Videos are also linked to their relative sources.

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