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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

DAV is a blockchain-based  transportation platform

DAV is a blockchain-based
transportation platform
Decentralized Autonomous Vehicles (DAV). DAV is a computer network that will ultimately connect self-driving vehicles (such as cars, trucks, rovers, and drones) to everyone on that network, enabling them to discover, communicate, and transact using a token. Users can pay for the use of any of those vehicles with a token to get a ride or pick up and deliver a package. People who own those vehicles or the charging stations on the network can earn tokens for the services they provide. Users can have an entire network of self-driving vehicles at their fingertips to bring them anything, or to take them anywhere, with one token. Even in today’s transportation market, and during the transitional period before autonomous transportation reaches mass adoption, the decentralized transportation network and its underlying technology can create a variety of economic opportunities such as decentralized, on demand, manned, rides and deliveries.
How does it work? Imagine a fully automated world in which the responsibility for all actions rests entirely with the machines. The cars will take you where you need to go, deliver or ship the goods… it Looks great.
DAV proposes to add to this world a system of tokens and a free market in which all trade relations will be carried out at the expense of certain digital coins. Thus, the consumer gets the opportunity of instant payment, and the owner of the vehicle — a convenient and stable source of earnings.
With the development of such technologies, the speed and quality of transportation operations promises to improve significantly.

The future of transportation is a network of autonomous vehicles. Will you be part of the future?
Earn DAV Tokens by providing transportation services
Let your self-driving car give rides to passengers when you’re not using it. Have your drone help with deliveries around town.
Go anywhere or send/receive anything in minutes
Send a package, book a ride, or have lunch delivered instantaneously. Utilize the efficiency for your business and supply chains.
Service providers keep everything running smoothly
Benefit from the efficiencies of service providers who keep your vehicle charged, clean, and operational. Become a service provider and earn DAV Tokens.
DAV is a framework of open-source software, open-source hardware, and a free decentralized marketplace where anyone can buy and sell autonomous transportation services using the DAV token. Our technology consists of three major components:
Decentralized Discovery
DAV allows autonomous vehicles to discover each other, as well as service providers, and clients around them. DAV implements decentralized node discovery using a peer-to-peer protocol that does not rely on a central server. Instead, nodes are listed in a distributed hash table which can be accessed in an extremely efficient way.
Communication Protocol
DAV defines a library of standardized communication protocols for various transportation scenarios. This communication is divided into two groups:
on-blockchain communication done directly by calling smart contracts and through events emitted by those smart contracts
off-blockchain communication done peer-to-peer using DAV’s protocols
Trustless Cooperation Tools
Trustless cooperation between buyers and sellers of transportation services is achieved using a series of specialized smart contracts. These smart contracts enable multi-party contracts between buyer, seller, and when needed, between arbitrator, insurer, and others. These contracts are tied in directly to the DAV token, guaranteeing financial resolution for transactions between multiple parties without requiring any pre-established trust.
The Blockchain enables:
A verifiable ledger of historical data from autonomous vehicles, services providers and users needed for insurers and third parties
A completely decentralized system that isn’t controlled by any government, bank, or company
A global payment standard between vehicles and their supporting infrastructure
A built-in smart mission contract, which enables trustless cooperation between multiple vehicles and service providers

At the critical convergence of autonomous transportation technology and blockchain technology, DAV’s open-source decentralized identity, discovery, mission coordination, and payments enable users, service providers, maintenance providers, third-party developers, and investors to become part of a new economy and monetize the transportation system of tomorrow. Change is coming, and the opportunities are numerous. Just as the Internet enables P2P transfer of information, and as blockchain enables P2P transfer of value, the DAV network enables P2P transfer of physical objects
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ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЙ САЙТ — https://dav.network/
WHITE PAPER — https://dav.network/whitepaper.pdf
Bitcointalk username: Pyshkin1231
Profile link:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile

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