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5 лет назад

Volentix - Digital assets powered by blockchain technology

The fever of blockchain seems to take on most of the current industries as we know of, Bitcoin showed us a glimpse of a world without banks and financial institutions. More and more blockchain applications are joining the race today. And what is really important, these technologies are suggesting that they can revolutionize the very way we live our lives today.

The crypto market is becoming large as new tokens are added to the market every day. In early 2018, the market pushed towards over 750 billion US dollars market capitalization.

Compared to the market growing, there is no significant improvement in the crypto wallet and exchange process. Why do you have cryptocurrencies? You may use them as utility tokens for operations on different platforms. In most cases, you will hold them & sell at a higher price to make a profit. You may prefer to trade cryptocurrencies. Sometimes you may spend crypto at online stores. How can you manage all these tasks? To manage them, all users of cryptocurrencies need:

A super fast exchange to access all popular crypto markets
A secure wallet to store your crypto assets
These and more you will get with VOLENTIX.


Volentix is an ecosystem of DApps which are built to enhance the use of cryptocurrency. Each is built to make the other better and for this reason Volentix is referred to as an ecosystem. The common unifying element which glues this decentralized/permissionless ecosystem together is VTX. Volentix is a permission-less ecosystem, in that any system which favours VTX can be considered part of the Volentix project.

Currently there are the following pillars inside the Volentix ecosystem.

  1. VDEX - A decentralized exchange. Allows users to trade cryptocurrency without a central actor having control of a users assets or private information.

  1. Vespucci - An analytical engine who's role in the ecosystem is to provide rankings and ratings of different cryptocurrency projects which can better help inform users and also act as a gatekeeper or transparent standard by which cryptocurrencies can be judged/restricted inside the Volentix ecosystem

  2. Verto - Verto is the native multi currency wallet which allows users to check their balances, maintain their keys and assets and interact with the rest of The Volentix Project.
    Venue - This is a dynamic community platform which aids in the distribution of VTX tokens by engaging the public with community building campaings, posting bounties available for claim and being able to submit and review proposals to the DAO.

  3. Verto is being built as a multi-currency wallet for use with the VDex decentralized exchange and intends to facilitate personal custody and local management of private and public keys in peer-to-peer transactions, with the goal of eliminating the risks of devastating losses of stake associated with traumatic failures of central

Volentix wish to empower users with tools to graph and compare tradeable digital assets, to access and parse historical trading records, to plot trends and patterns, and to monitor and assess open-source software developments. Vespucci seeks to bring to your fingertips confident and comprehensive market-relevant data by aggregating the information currently scattered throughout many different blockchains, websites, chat rooms, and exchanges


VDex: VDex allows you to see orders from any exchange creating a truly decentralized market.

Secure: Users have their private keys in their possession at all times.

Collaborative: VDex combines any order book in 1 liquidity pool.

User-Friendly: Easy to use interface, built with new users in mind.

How the Ecosystem operates

EOS.IO is a working framework like system whereupon decentralized applications can be constructed. The product gives accounts, verification, databases, asynchronous correspondence and planning across groups. Components and protocols are already incorporated with the platform, and only a subset can be utilized to fulfill VDex necessities. VDex at first enjoy all the great standard features offered by EOS.IO, for example, record and wallet creation and the recuperation of stolen keys; however will consequently actualize the protocols for the creation of decentralized trades through its contracts.

The Verto Wallet

The Verto wallet funds are managed by Vdex users. Verto is a wallet with a lot of currency for Vdex. Verto uses a smart contract system to protect the situation between two trading customers while maintaining this financing and the simplest transactions are made with atomic exchange.

Token Details

Token Symbol- VTX

Total VTX supply and funding use: 2.1 Billion

Token type: EOS.IO compliant

Hard Cap: 48.5 million USD




Please visit the links i have provided below for more information;

Website: https://volentix.io

Telegram: https://t.me/volentix

Whitepaper: https://s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/volentix/VDexWhitePaper.pdf

Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5048597

Twitter: https://twitter.com/volentix

Github: https://github.com/Volentix/

BountyOx Username: SheyCrypto

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