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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



Since the Inception of cryptocurrency, blockchain and the bitcoin technology, there has been different platform and trading opportunities, we also know that the bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, a sort of electronic cash.

Blockchain technology allows more trust, ensure security, improved traceability of transactions, have more efficiency and fast. Cryptocurrency transactions are generally based on blockchain technology, the blockchain technology now affects global economy and business transactions. These allow instant, secure, anonymous and peer-peer payments all over the world and helps to prevent corruption and money laundering.

The essence of blockchain and cryptocurrency is to distribute decision-making powers from central authorities as well as big powerhouses by decentralization of these bodies.

2019 marked 10years since the introduction of Bitcoin—the first ever peer-to-peer, decentralized cryptocurrency, as well as the first used case of Blockchain, was unveiled. technically, Blockchain solved the decades-long double spending issues faced that had stopped cryptocurrencies from being created and deployed. Many people, doubted its potentials when it was initially launched.

In most recent, there is a debate as to whether virtual currencies will go mainstream or not. but this has been on high growth rates, financial analysts, Blockchain experts, and enthusiasts estimate the number of Bitcoin users to skyrocket to over 200 million by 2024. growth level of the user, there absolutely no doubt that cryptocurrencies are fully ready to penetrate the traditional markets, as a vast majority of consumers, investors, and governments, consumers are already using them.
Despite these remarkable statistics, it is worth agreeing to that cryptocurrency markets have a fundamental distinction when compared to traditional marketplaces.

It's interesting to know that the basic features of cryptocurrency are that it can’t be controlled by any middlemen or authorities. blockchain makes digital identity and record keeping better and so people can create an encrypted digital hub where they can store their personal digital information, being completely in control and giving or revoking access to it.

Blockchain can be used as a tool in supply chain management the working relationship between a business and suppliers of such business, tagged products can be assigned with individual and unique identities, then put onto a transparent and immutable blockchain making it easier to track. the essence of blockchain technology helps with Possible disputes concerning the origin of innovation, could easily be resolved by referring to a tamper‐prove blockchain that could serve as a timestamp of the idea's exact recording.

In the most recent use of blockchain technology fundraising and coin offers for basic startups have yielded so well and positively, it has already made its mark on fundraising activity, by bringing up an entirely new ecosystem for startups to raise the funds they may need to bring their innovations to life.

Furthermore, because of the use tamper-proof characteristics of the blockchain and how difficult it is to be hacked, it is used for voting, can eliminate concerns of voter fraud by providing a clear record of votes.


As the Blockchain technology and its industry get popular, more investors around the World are getting interested and wildly aware of the advantages of converting
some of their money into crypto-assets. These new technologies open vast perspectives to evolve the world financial systems, payments, savings…


The crypto market is very volatile. Because it’s still a relatively small market, there is a high interrelationship between the price of the major cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, XRP…) hence it makes even a tiny movement could have a huge effect on the price, taking into account that wealth distribution in cryptocurrencies is yet still disproportionate. Investors have little means to protect the value of their portfolio while staying in the crypto space.


Despite the promises decentralized exchanges to mitigate the security issues of their centralized counterparts, Stakeholders in the crypto investment world have so far been slow to adopt to them due to liquidity and user experience concerns. Since the hack of Coincheck, resulting in about $500 million lost funds, we became enlightened about exchange being a single point of failure. Coincheck breach became only the latest instance of a series of exchange hacks and security faliures in the past years. While the most famous hack is still the sad hack of the Mt. Gox exchange, More than 30 major cyber hacks causing about $1 trillion in lost funds. Also unexpected security-related shutdowns leads to several hours or days of the exchange inaccessible to stakeholders.


Coreto is here building a tribe, coreto is Iustina and Vlad Faraon, two tech savvy entrepreneurs who decided it’s time to make a change in the current crypto/blockchain space by creating the most comprehensive crypto reviewing platform. They have decided to bring all of our digital experience into the blockchain field in order to build the ultimate tool for educating everyone who is willing to learn the “crypto” language.

Coreto is using the immutability and transparency properties of the blockchain technology to build a reputation-based social platform that bridges the trust gap between blockchain investors, influencers, and project teams.

Waste a lot of time researching, hard to identify reliable sources of information, fear of losing money, low level of financial literacy, lack of experience and market education.
Easily assess the performance of influencers based on their tracked record Subscriptions to selected influencers’ content. All major influencers in one place. Use their crowd wisdom in your advantage.

Hard time in providing a clear statistical picture of their performance. The need for recognition Audience scattered across multiple social media channels, Diversification of income channels, Bring the scattered followers in one place. Profile page specifically designed to reflect experience and knowledge Build trust and grow your reputation.

Coreto solution is based on the most valuable asset a user can have: TRUST.

Coreto: Participation & Interactivity until now, blockchain investors have remained largely passive from a participation standpoint. Influencers, of course, have participated by creating content in the form of reviews and trading scenarios and recommendations, but this activity has largely been unstructured, carried out across various forums and platforms. On Coreto, investors can not only learn more about the blockchain technology, active projects, and the current state of crypto, but also interact directly, even individually, with experts and influencers. What’s more, they have access to the analytics, insights, and prediction capability of the platform’s cutting edge machine learning algorithm. All of which empowers their ability to make sound investment decisions. We shake things up by bringing all three parties together on one user-friendly platform that rewards participation and interactivity.

The use of Coreto’s utility token within the ecosystem

To enable the optimal functioning of our ecosystem, we create a dedicated currency, the COR token, an Ethereum ERC20 utility token. The Reputation currency. The COR token will be used to take advantage of all the services the platform will provide.

it allow the investors the following

  • Reward the influencers for their content
  • Comment on reviews and posts (you have to hold COR in your registered wallet in order to interact with the content on Coreto)
  • Show their level of trust by upvoting/downvoting articles, influencers, projects, etc
  • Participate in Stacking of Opinion Pools sharing the risks and the rewards with influencers
  • Subscribe to Premium Content and Trading Signals from the
  • Influencers they trust
  • Subscribe to the Private list of projects and portfolio of Influencers
  • Auction for 1-on-1 mentoring sessions with their favorite Influencers

COR allows influencers the following.

  • Boost their Trust meter and weight by stacking COR tokens
  • Promote their content in the main feed
  • Receive rewards from their followers
  • Back their opinions submitted in the Stacking of Opinion Pools
  • Receive COR tokens from investors for subscribing to their
  • Premium content

allow project teams to

  • Claim their Official Page on Coreto
  • Acces our specifically designed services, in order to build their awareness among the blockchain communities


White paper : https://coreto.io/Coreto.io_Lightpaper_v1.0.pdf

User name Bounty0x : sobaint1

eth address : 0xd1E7Ff1cf68b9935C7e1aF2a3936bB5e487B0FF6

0.252 GOLOS
На Golos с January 2019
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