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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


General Presentation

Blockchain has ushered in a different kind of innovative project into the Digital world.Browsing the internet nowadays has been made rewarding though not all internet browsers offered this incentive to their users. I will make an elaborated explanation about this but before we talked about this. Lets see what's going on in the Centralized internet economy nowadays. Internet users nowadays don't fully have confidence in the safety of their data . In most cases, centralized internet system are not always trustworthy. A very glaring example was the case of Facebook who used millions of users' data without their consent. Despite, the centralized nature of the internet does not guarantee adequate protection and privacy of the user.
Internet industry started far back as at 1990's and ever since then the infrastructure to navigate and make efficient utilization of the internet started their developmental race. Mosaic Browser was the first browser who allowed both images and text display on the internet while the lynx couldn't display images but only display texts on website.Mosaic success as at then made it gain massive adoption and was widely used then.Several internet browsers has been developed nowadays to facilitate how the global internet users navigate the internet, the most popular among them is the Google chrome, followed by Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, Opera, Safari, and many more. All these listed browsers are conventional web browsers managed under a centralized system. Today , i will be introducing a new generation decentralized web browser named Netbox.browser to everyone .Netbox.browser is a super fast, reliable , efficient and rewarding decentralized internet browsers that is powered by blockchain technology .Netbox.browsers offers various advantages to the users in terms of security, privacy , efficiency and rewarding . As an internet user, if you are finding a web browser that will make you feel secured while surfing the internet, Netbox.Browser then should be your best choice.
The decentralized nature of this browser guarantees users' data security and privacy. Users as well are rewarded while browsing on the internet through Netbox.browser

Introducing Netbox.Browser.

Netbox.browser is designed to resolve the privacy and security barrier that every internet user faces. The browser is built on blockchain technology which makes it decentralized, secure, and more efficient. Every Netbox.browser act as a node on the Netbox.Chain, they contribute to the smooth running of the network , ensuring secured transaction and absolute decentralization on the network chain. Users' data are not being stored in any central server.The browser also has a very simple user interface, it is chromium based and users who are conversant with the user of conventional chrome browser can easily make use of Netbox.browser. The only different between the two is that Netbox.browser have an integrated wallet at the upper right corner of the browsers where users can earn and stake their tokens securely.

Below are the unique features of Netbox.Global ecosystem

Monetization: Netbox.Global has designed an innovative decentralized web browser who allows internet users to monetize their activities online. Upon downloading Netbox.browser users get credited with 20 NBX Coin. Users get daily rewards for surfing the internet with the browsers though this reward varies but it is very consistent. Personally, i am using the browser and am really enjoying browsing on it .Netbox.browser stands out comparing it to any other decentralized browser like Brave .Netbox is a complete decentralized blockchain network that operates nodes. Any individual can choose to be a Node operator on Netbox.browser as long as they meet up the criteria.Operating Netbox.Chain master nodes is not complicated and not energy consuming. It gives operators a very good income stream.

Privacy: If you are looking for a browser that will enable anonymity of users' activities on the internet, Netbox.browser is your right choice.Users' data are not stored in a central server, it gives you full control over your internet life, your contents, identity, password, and other details are not stored elsewhere where anyone can get access to them. Users retain 100% privacy while using Netbox.browser

Multi-currency Wallet: Netbox.Wallet is a multicurrency wallet that allows users to store different forms of digital currency including fiat currencies such as USD and EUR. It also incorporates the use of Bank account and Card.Users can fund their wallet through the cards or directly through bank transfer.

There are several products offered by Netbox.Global such as Netbox.pay, Netbox.Video, Netbox.Proxy, Netbox.Store, and Netbox.Trust.Majority of these products are still under development but the team intends to achieve all these according to their Road map. It will be very good to support this innovative project in other to achieve its highest potential in the shortest period of time. Netbox Coins is also available for investment , investors who are looking for viable project to invest their funds can easily track a suitable exchange to purchase NBX coins using this link https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/netbox-coin/markets/ . Netbox.browser is the Next Big Thing .Don't miss out.

Official Resources
Website : https://netbox.global
Twitter : https://twitter.com/netboxglobal
Telegram : https://t.me/netboxglobal
Discord : https://discordapp.com/invite/GCgZZPN
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/netboxglobal/
Medium : https://medium.com/@netboxglobal
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIAUgPvyihTcsqYSM264iIg
GitHub : https://github.com/netboxglobal

Authors info
Altcointalk username :bitcoinsodahf
Altcointalk profile url :https://www.altcoinstalks.com/index.php?action=profile;area=summary;u=71940
Eth address: 0xd8bcd4b152bd2ac173deb15d14160ed1225f0e05
nbx ddress: NSudxnL8CnZPc1jzYVnsS5zSCvVT7Ha4fM

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