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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



It is a popular fact that Rome wasn't built in a day.Internet technology growth started gradually till the industry turned out to be one among the global giant industry.Ever since the inception of the internet, several web browsers has been developed in which majority of them are no more in existence because they were not efficient. The development
of web browsers wasn't a smooth journey. Some web browsers were developed but could only feature text components of website while another was developed to modify the shortcoming of the initial one that could not display graphical components. Many internet browsers are available nowadays in which internet users can easily select their
choice.The major challenges is that all these web browsers are operated under a centralized system of the internet. Users safety, independent and privacy are not guaranteed. Users' data are being compromised.Several situation of privacy intrusion does exist while using all these conventional internet browsers.
Internet users need their privacy and security while browsing online.In this current digital era, internet users have found out there is lack of security in our conventional internet system which makes it easy for hackers to hack into online databases and steal the user's information. Some online platform sell their customers' data without their consent because they are not decentralized . All these negative trends need to be changed and In a bid to solve part of this problem, the team of Netbox.global has created a decentralized internet browsers which will enable users to browse internet content in a secured mode. The entire browser's system is totally decentralized, user's data are not stored anywhere.The netbox.browser infrastructure is 100% transparent, there is a lack of central servers that monitor or preserve the user's data on Netbox.Cahin network. More
about Netbox.browsers and the surrounding ecosystem shall be discussed below, just follow me in the next paragraph.


Netbox.browser is an application designed for both PC and smart devices, the main function of this browser is to access internet web resources and give users a complete independent, rest of mind, and sense of belonging.The team of Netbox.Browsers believes everyone needs to protect their personal data, everyone needs to keep private and safe what belongs to them. It is really my pleasure getting to know about this Platform. Netbox Browser does not have any centralized infrastructure or server where information or data are being stored. Users personal data belongs to them while using Netbox.browsers. Individual users of the browser represent a node in the blockchain and contributing to the smooth running of netbox.chain. Users are required to register on the platform after downloading the browser to get their individual wallet that will give them access to bonus, daily mining rewards for using the browser and a storage wallet where users can also buy and store their NBX token. The wallet is decentralized in nature. It gives users complete control over their assets. Users will be assigned their private key or mnemonic keys on opening their wallets which will enable them to have complete control over their wallet and to access their wallet anywhere and anytime.
Netbox.browser is Chronium based, the interface is very friendly and I believe it should be familiar as we all familiar with chrome browser.In addition, the wallet for NBX coin is integrated to the browser and can be find at the roght top corner of the browser . Netbox.browsers apart from being a decentralized browser that allows users accessing the internet in a decentralized mode, there are varieties of services rendered by this platform which includes Multi-currency wallet service, a decentralized payment system, Store, Decentralized storage provider, Proxy service, decentralized video hosting service, and the major components of Netbox.Global Ecosystem is the Masternodes. Operating Netbox.chain Masternode gives users a very good income. The opportunity is opened for everyone as long as they meet the
Requirement. Operating Masternodes is not the only means to generate income on this platform though if you want a reliable income, Masternode operation will be recommended. Users can earn NBX token for using the browser.Ever since I discovered netbox.browser I have been earning a steady amount of NBX token on a daily basis. The payment goes direct into my wallet.If you are a regular user of Netbox.browser will be entitled to daily income which will be credited directly to your wallet everyday. Meanwhile, to earn more Coins, users can stake their earned tokens. You can buy NBX coins at exchanges and stake them in your wallet, this will also qualify you to be earning a steady income for staking your coins.


There are loud noises about Brave browser, and has attracted a large number of users but Netbox.brower is new and one of the Next generation internet browser that is powered on blockchain and reward users .

Nebox Browsers reward users handsomely direct into their browser's wallet, the reward which they can transfer at any time. Brave browser reward users but the reward can't be transfered, the only option available is using the coin to compensate content creator.

While brave browser is only decentralized browser, Netbox.browser is a complete Blochain Network, that operates on (PoS) Proof of Stake wallet system.

Another shortcoming of Brave browser is that coins earned in the browser get expired overtime and got erased. Netbox.browsers system stands out, Coin earned remained in your wallet and can be transferred anytime.

Lastly, to transfer coins from BRAVE wallet to the content provider, browser users have to complete a compulsory KYC
requirement before they could transfer the coins earned in brave browser and that is not the case when using Netbox.browser.

To cut the long story short, there is higher advantage over using Netbox.browser than Brave.browser. Netbox.browser sophistication can't be compared with any decentralized internet browsers. I believe the
platform will continually grow as more people are getting introduced to the browser.The larger the browser users, the larger the growth of the platform.

Netbox.global has created a decentralized internet browser which will enable users to browse internet content in a secured mode. The entire browser's system is totally decentralized, user's data are not stored anywhere.The netbox.browser infrasutrure is 100% transparent, there is a lack of central servers that monitor or preserve the user's data on Netbox.Cahin network. If you are an internet user, it is high time to stop waiting and get a netbox.browser on your PC to start enjoying decentralized internet browsing.The new user will be rewarded with 20 NBX coins when they download and register on the browser and get daily NBX for browsing internet with netbox.browser. Stop waiting and join us now.#NetboxGlobal #Netbox #NBX #Netbox_browser

Website: https://netbox.global
Twitter: https://twitter.com/netboxglobal
Telegram: https://t.me/netboxglobal
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/GCgZZPN
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/netboxglobal/
Medium: https://medium.com/@netboxglobal
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIAUgPvyihTcsqYSM264iIg
GitHub: https://github.com/netboxglobal

Altcointalk username :bitcoinsodahf
Altcointalk profile url :https://www.altcoinstalks.com/index.php?action=profile;area=summary;u=71940
NBX address: NSudxnL8CnZPc1jzYVnsS5zSCvVT7Ha4fM
Eth address: 0xd8bcd4b152bd2ac173deb15d14160ed1225f0e05

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