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6 лет назад

Akaiito - the use of cryptocurrency in everyday life


A cryptocurrency every day gets deeper penetration into our daily life. By the end of 2017, the popularity of cryptocurrencies has reached such scales that it became clear - it will remain a part of our life and a world financial system. From the moment of emergence of blockchain technology, bitcoin, and other digital currencies, in users, the vast quantity of various cryptocurrencies appeared, but at the same time, there is no infrastructure for their use and circulation.

Advantages and opportunities which open for us new technologies, seemingly infinite. However, all merits don't matter if we merely store or we sell our coins, without having an opportunity to spend them for some things. Cryptocurrency will become success world currency only then when people begin to use it as the usual fiat of currencies. The essential limiting factor for broader circulation of cryptocurrencies is restrictions (or impossibility) their reception as traditional means of payment. We can observe an unusual situation when people and the companies are ready to use the blockchain technologies and cryptocurrency in various areas worldwide, and opportunities, services and ready-made solutions for this purpose aren't enough.

How to solve these problems? There is no final answer to this question yet, but already many projects work on its search and implementation of the concept. Today we will consider the AKAIITO project which offers users a unique opportunity to buy goods, to rent cars and apartments, to use different services and the help of specialists, nurses, lawyers, using cryptocurrency. AKAIITO is a set of several platforms existing in one decentralized cryptocurrency environment.


It is the robust platform based on the blockchain, functioning from smart contracts and uniting in itself a set of areas of human life.
The main of some platform components:

  1. The online-market will become the main platform for users who want to buy or sell goods with use of cryptocurrency. The online-market of services AKAIITO will categorically adhere to the strict policy blocking illegal services and dishonest users that guarantees a sense of security.
  2. The online-services include all types of works, starting with the hairdresser and finishing the lawyer. All services will be divided into categories for more convenient search.
  3. Online-hire/rent.
    Lease of cars allows any user to rent any types of transport worldwide. Users can easily and simple to rent a car by choosing any available brand, without worrying about all the delights of maintenance and care.
    Rent of apartments will allow carring out the transaction without intermediaries, without registration of tens of documents, without payment of intermediary services. The tenant won't be able suddenly to pick up the money from a virtual wallet, and the lessor won't be able to give to the tenant wrong code or the address of the apartment because so won't receive anything. This set of conditions are also the simplest one-time the smart contract.
  4. On online maps will be shown locations with a possibility to pay with cryptocurrency. This part of the AKAIITO platform will include cafeterias/restaurants, movie theaters, places for entertainments, bowling, etc. Depending on a chosen category on the map will appear location signs with address and list of acceptable for pay cryptocurrencies.


  • The seller can designate fixed price or floating price, based on the exchange (risk of price decrease or increase according to exchange).
  • All action confirm by scanning the QR-code that guarantees fair fulfillment of conditions and receipt of payments.
  • Each user can influence the reputation of other users, leaving a comment or assessment, but only after closing of the transaction.
  • The commission for uses of the platform will make only 3%. At the same time on the cash back systems of 1% will return to the account of the buyer if he leaves a comment about work of the seller of goods or service. It will allow making the most honest rating of participants of the system.


When using the smart contracts in various spheres of AKAIITO can be allocated the next decisive moments:

  • Independence — isn't present need to address for services a high number of intermediaries and the agencies, for transactions.
  • Safety — conditions of the smart contract cannot change.
  • Economy — excludes intermediaries, and participants of the smart contract cooperate on more favorable conditions.
  • Lack of expenses — in case of performance of conditions contracts, the parties exchange assets at once.


Features of work on the AKAIITO platform:
▪ Each user will be able to create own account in the cabinet of the seller for exposure to a sale of the goods or services.
▪ Retail of goods with the price to 10 AIC is allowed all, but for sale of more expensive goods, it is necessary to improve the rating, receiving a positive review after each confirmed transaction. For selling more costly goods without restrictions of the price, provided an option to deposit and freeze funds in their wallet on the platform. All deposit tokens will be returned to accounts of users when will be reached the required level of positive rating.
▪ Wholesales have no restrictions regarding the amount and pricing. The deposit should be transferred to own wallet in AKAIITO platform with AIC in amount, which will be settled by AKAIITO after getting filled form and review of request for being of wholesale.
▪ Calculations will be carried out to AIC. The built-in calculator which will show price cost in any other currency from the current exchange rate will be provided to users for convenience.

The AKAIITO platform will be available not only on your computer but also in the application on your mobile phone that does the platform convenient, flexible and simple in use. You can log in at any time, having near at hand the mobile phone or the computer.

ICO Details
Tokens amount 30 000 000
Price 1 ETH = 1000 AIC
Minimum purchase 10 AIC = 0,01 ETH
Minimum (SOFT CAP) 1250 ETH
Maximum (HARD CAP) 25000 ETH
Start 13.03.2018
End 18.04.2018
Smart contract https://github.com/cromleh g/AKAIITO

Снимок экрана 2018-04-12 в 22.27.56.png

For the successful realization of AKAIITO project will be launched the sale of AIC tokens. AKAIITO will release 30 million of AIC tokens. For Sale will be issued 22.5 million of AIC tokens. The whole amount of tokens sale will be divided into two steps: Pre ICO and ICO. During Pre ICO sale will be released 1 million of AIC tokens and during ICO sale will be released 21.5 million of AIC tokens (amount released AIC tokens will depend on ETH rate). The total value of issued for sale tokens is 25 000 ETH. If the minimum value (soft cap) of 1 250 ETH won’t be reached will be initiated a search of alternative investment sources for project development.

Tokens amount 30 000 000 (100 %)
Sale of tokens Up to 22 500 000 (75 %)
Marketing Up to 2 100 000 (7 %)
Bounty, consultants Up to 900 000 (3 %)
Team Up to 4 500 000 (15 %)

Bonus program
The AKAIITO program gives an opportunity to earn on attracting investors, partners for those who have the desire to receive additional tokens (AIC). Flexible conditions of the partner program give an earnings opportunity for small and large investors who can attract friends and acquaintances, gaining additional income. The investor when attracting a new partner into the project will get the bonus of 2% of the total invested amount. In one condition: value invested by new partner should be bigger, than amount invested by investor himself.
Minimum purchase for participation in Friends Bonus is 5 ETH.


We will sum up the result
The fact that there is such company which proposes innovative solutions the cryptocurrency payments allowing integrating into our everyday life can't but please users of cryptocurrencies. Of course, to the order in any cafe of a cup of coffee for cryptocurrency still very far, but the humanity moves in this direction.

Website - https://akaiito.io/
Whitepaper - https://akaiito.io/files/Akaiito_WP_Eng.pdf
BitcoinTalk Ann - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2804929.0
Twitter - https://twitter.com/OfficialAkaiito
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/officialakaiito/
Telegram - https://t.me/akaiito_community
Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/user/Akaiito_Official
Medium - https://medium.com/@akaiitotallinn

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