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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Nuggets is an e-commerce payments and ID platform.

The development of computer information systems and telecommunications technologies led to the formation of e-commerce. Today, by such a term is understood not only to build a business and create shops on the Internet, as well as various calculations, purchases, and earnings. For many modern people, such type of commerce became a usual thing without which it is difficult to present life.
However, electronic commerce has many significant shortcomings that limit the number of people using this system. Safety is the main reason for which people don't want to use the Internet for purchases as they to be afraid to provide information about credit cards. Unfortunately, periodically appearing messages about theft from any resource credit card numbers do not add popularity to online payments.
Another critical problem is the safety of users personal data. Potential buyers are afraid that through the Internet sellers or other people will be able to learn their personal information and use it against them.
Another significant gap is fraud. As in any other field of activity, Internet technologies have opened up new opportunities for scammers. The client can deceive the seller about his identity or of opportunities real payment.
While online stores facing similar problems in their areas, the power of the Nuggets project and Blockchain technology can revolutionize payment, privacy and security. Everyone will use this consumer platform to make trusted transactions one simple biometric check. The Nuggets project solves the problems relating to the use of roguish payment requisites, using zero storage of knowledge and also enciphering, confidentiality, safety, and trust, in combination with the unchangeable decentralized registration. This project creates an entirely new platform that allows without sacrificing for your personal data to commit simple payments in e-commerce.

As a mobile platform Nuggets enables using the most popular forms of online payments, such as credit and debit cards, digital payment systems, and also cryptocurrencies. The advantage for users is the ability to use any services, without having to store or share their personal data with anyone.
In other words, it is the uniform safe way for payment, authorization, and identification allowing more not to use any usernames and passwords. The Nuggets also saves users from a laborious task of updating of tens of separate services by new details, for example, the new address or the payment card. Alternatively, the can merely update the Nuggets, and it will do the rest for you.


Let's consider the main advantages of the platform in more detail:
1. Confirmation of user identification with the help of biometrics (without saving). The platform will use biometric data for multangular face scanning combined with forensic identification documents and optical character recognition for the initial KYC. Then, for subsequent authorizations, the user will use biometric data, such as fingerprint scanning and face recognition, on his device. Once the KYC verification completed, the biometrics of personal authentication will be stored only on to user device. The user identification in Nuggets will support by a closed private key stored on the device.
2. The data encryption is allowing to save confidential data. The software of Nuggets allows ciphering all personal data on the user device before they sent in the blockchain. It means that the user is the only person who can access the encrypted data.
For example, during purchase, the seller cannot decrypt data of the user credit card, only the processor of payments has access to the payment card. The seller's key does not give him access to the place of delivery the consumer. This information is available only for the courier and is sent in the form of GPS coordinates and not the usual text address. Thus, all of the info isolated and decrypt only as necessary with the permission of the user.
3. Blockchain guarantees safe and unchanged storage of information. Each node will store a copy of the data that thanks to encryption, will be available only to the user. All users will be able to see of ledger integrity. At later stages of the platform development, may be to use the InterPlanetary File System, which helps to connect all computing devices to a single file system and store data in the same way as they stored in smart contracts, with granting the user full control over them.

Thanks to Nuggets, online-shopping becoming simpler and safer. After you have chosen the goods, you merely select the option Nuggets at registration of the order. It effectively registers you, and the website loads your Nuggets application so you can confirm the transaction using your biometrics. After completing the payment, you will receive your package. You don't need to specify the address (if you don't want it), instead of this Nuggets transmits the location of GPS to the express company. To accept a parcel you confirm the personality on delivery.

The founders of the project are the former global directors of Skype and Microsoft, with the support of the best group of developers a blockchain. The Nuggets have been already chosen by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for Project Innovate and currently tested with consumers in a standard test environment.

Nuggets Tokens
Users of Nuggets will accumulate Nuggets Tokens (NUG) from the first day, loading the application and using the platform in various ways. Users will also be able to receive Nuggets Tokens from merchants, sharing personal data with these merchants. Nuggets will provide part of each transaction commission on the charity. At any time, users can also use Nuggets Tokens to donate to the list of charities selected by Nuggets.

Website - https://nuggets.life/

Whitepaper - https://nuggets.life/images/Nuggets-White-Paper.pdf

BitcoinTalk Ann - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2993382.0

BitcoinTalk Bounty - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2993393.0

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/nuggetsPAYandID

Twitter - https://twitter.com/nuggetsPAYandID

Telegram - https://t.me/nuggetsblockchain

Medium - https://medium.nuggets.life/

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