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7 лет назад

Skyllz the unified protocol to assess, validate and empower human skills.

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In the modern world, one of the competitive advantages of any company is knowledge, skill level, efficiency and abilities of personnel. The companies which have the active strategy of management of talents get 26% more profits than competitors according to Bersin & Associates. The debugged talent management system can play crucial importance for the success of business in most branches of economy.
I assume that for this reason for the last three years the demand for automation of processes of talent management has grown several times and to continues grow. Proposals of qualified personnel promptly lag behind demand which increases together with the market. An integrated approach to the management of talents will be attractive not only to large corporations but also the small enterprises.

For the increase in efficiency to talent management, it is necessary to create an accounting system for talent which includes the checked and reliable measurements of talent connected with successful activity. To develop such accounting system is needed the full range completely integrated estimates and instruments measure of quality necessary in talent-decisions.
The distributed Skyllz (SDP) platform directed to the creation of the universal and developing ecosystem of human skills. The ecosystem will change a habitual way which talents get access to work, and work gets access talents. This complex system is capable of replacing entirely the summary thanks to proofs of skill, the list of exclusive achievements and a metric about users. It will help the hidden talents of users to get out irrespective of who you are, what your gender, your economic situation or the place of your birth.


Skyllz developed by a team of professionals Workkola who have begun to create the future of expansion of talent in February 2015. Workkola helps skilled students, scientists, graduates of the university and to people with creative potential, in a digital form to show the talents, and also to create an own brand of skills and to open tremendous opportunities for work. It helps the companies to search and employ the checked talents.
Tokenization of the operations Workkola through an ecosystem of Skyllz will extend and feed the current platform and also all ecosystem of skills. It will help to overestimate the system of assessment of talents, certification of skills and distribution to talents.
It is clear, that before us a new phase of the digital revolution. It also is known that the talent is the most important asset which is owned by the companies and individuals. Everyone has the ability, and it makes us unique and incredibly valuable. But the industry of talents is still insufficiently developed, suffers from colossal the inefficiency and inequality and also become outdated in this new world of rapid evolution.
The mission of Skyllz consists in that to become the largest unified ecosystem of assessment of skills breaking the current, outdated and inefficient assessment of talents. Irrespective of your external conditions Skyllz helps your actual abilities to develop doing them traced, valuable and available.

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The distributed Skyllz (SDP) platform and its advantages:

  1. Skyllz represents the protocol of authentication open source which allows users to validate and empower skills acquisition, allocation, contextualization and boosting in a standardized and meritocratic way. Skyllz is a platform that puts some user’s skill in value for purchase, to allocation, contextualization or raising such as e-learning, online portfolios, networking platforms, job platforms and offline platforms among others.
  2. Application Touch Touchpoint (STapp) allows establishing standards for the creation of a cross-platform ecosystem in which users get, apply or improve skills of any application created atop of it.
  3. Proof of Skill (reputation Skyllz) allows users to check any skills using STapps. The reputation does not give in to changes, thanks to Ethereum Blockchain. To confirm the talent in this or that area, the participant of the platform must have three positive estimates from different users. After successful confirmation of skill, the variable of "The proof of ability" is updated with the help a smart contract, and to the user transfers the assigned amount tokens.
  4. The Skyllz platform will conform to the most strict safety requirements which guarantee the protection of the users. All connections, both network, and mobile will cipher with use of the HTTPS protocol with the certificate of TLS. The system architecture will not allow attacking databases (which directly stored in the unit Ethereum Blockchain) or to commit roguish actions.

The distributed Skyllz platform establishes standards for the creation of a cross-platform ecosystem in which:

  • Thanks to Ethereum Blockchain any user can see the proof excellence of this or that skill any user.
  • Each application of Touchpoint Touch (STapp) participating in SDP shall correspond to specially developed principles of SDP complying technical requirements for connection to API (skyllz.io) and accepted by community Skyllz (the proof of that ability and a voice of holders of SKT).
  • Any STapp on top of SDP will be able to add any new skills to Blockchain if they are accepted by community Skyllz (the proof of qualification and a voice of owners of SKT) to provide evolution and adaptability of SDP with time (new jobs, new corresponding skills, new priorities).
  • The Community of experienced users from a specific area or ability will solve whether the talent has been successfully acquired, applied or improved, and whether, having to Skyllz Tokens (SKT) will transfer to the user. That's providing the quality rating, avoids prejudices (maintaining anonymity during the rating period) and will hold bad players offside.

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Token Skyllz (SKT) compatible to ERC-20, allows users to get access and to carry out transactions on SDP. Token serve as units of account which would enable users to participate and receive validation of the skills on any application of an ecosystem or through her. SKT is a useful token of the fixed delivery which can integrate into applications as the transactional level of value.

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Website - https://skyllz.org/

Whitepaper - https://skyllz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Skyllz_whitepaper_v1.4.pdf

BitcoinTalk Ann - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2966145.0

BitcoinTalk Bounty - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2966603.0
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/skyllzplatform/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/Skyllz_platform

Telegram - https://t.me/skyllz

Medium - https://medium.com/@Skyllz_platform

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