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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

[ Sound of Silent Meditations ] - Aura Cleansing - 7 Chakras music - [ Sleep Meditation ]

Aura Cleansing - 7 Chakras music - sleep meditation

The world would be such a better place if everyone practiced meditation!
We're creating a collection of Monk Chants, Tibetan Chants,
Tibetan Singing Bowls Music, Mantras, Music based on Chakra Frequencies,
Healing Music based on Fibonacci proportions and Binaural Beats to help with stress and emotions.

Our Mission is to reach as many people in the world
to deliver this peacefull way of self healing,
pain redusing and a great way to coop with stress.

We appriceate that you are spending your time on our channel, we thank you very much.
To Support us hit that Subscribe butten and Like the video..

Spread your voice as your voice is important !
Namaste :)

0.058 GOLOS
На Golos с October 2017
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